The Electric Vehicle Thread

Morto for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

This will be some row back. Although we’ve already seen a Boat Race level row back on diesel.

Even Eamon Ryan acknowledged previously that electric vehicles are a cod.

The batteries are a catastrophe for the environment. Fucking virtue signalling idiots.

In fairness it was some cock up promoting diesel for the lay person.

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Cock up? They did what they told

Good post rating

Vw lied mate they followed the science but shouldnt have trusted car manufacturers

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How are sodium batteries bad

They don’t compare all that well to lithium batteries. The cycle life is half of Lithium.

To Atkinson’s point. We should keep cars longer. I think he’s right. Look after them properly. Going down the road of mining batteries for 100’s of millions of EV’s is madness. Its counter productive.

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Consumerism is environmental vandalism.

Lads buying new EVs to replace a two year old ICE should be named and shamed in the daily press and put on an environmental vandal register for 5 years.


Just give up beef mate

No wonder you’re a nine stone puny weakling

Culling the herd here in Ireland to feel better about ourselves whilst letting Brazil cut down the amazon forest (which is a genuine environmental disaster) and then export their beef to us is also total madness.

A bit of common sense is needed.


We import food from brazil to feed our cows mate, how do you not know that, they cut down the forests to grow food to feed our cows so we can export protein shakes

You seriously didnt know this?

Protein shakes I’ve no time for mate.

Broadly speaking though surely it makes more sense for food to be produced locally, by local people.

Importing beef is surely an own goal. Unfortunately thats what culling the herd will do. People are going to still consume meat and when there is demand - more beef will come from outside of the country. Common sense approach is whats needed.

Might be a future yet and will be easy to transition. Is this a suitable solution for you in our quest to save the planet?

Self regulation where can it go wrong? Philip Morris, the alcohol industry, sugar, big pharma we can all trust as we know

Broadly speaking i agreebut at the moment We import animal feed to feed our dairy cows to export the protein shakes

What you are calling for is a shift awat from our current practises

Eat less beef
Eat locally produced goods
Plant more trees

Back up to the point. Are we in agreement that this fuel will help save the planet. We can argue on the rest

The fuel that has not been invented or tested commerically?

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