The Electric Vehicle Thread

Ah ya, donā€™t worry, Iā€™m just going washing the rads out


The lack of sludge in that rad was incredibly disappointing.

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I sent a plumber on a few pictures of the boiler and asked him would he come out and service and asked about replacingā€¦he said it itā€™s still working at this stage donā€™t spend a penny servicing it and basically keep using it until it will not work any more ā€¦he reckoned if I got another year out of it I be doing well


Got my first electricity bill there since I got in the panels .I only had the panels for 20 of the 61 days in billing period so too early to tellā€¦and for 4 days of that there was a bouncy castle on the go full tiltā€¦

Notably though I got a 52 euro micro generation credit for the excess solar for 20 daysā€¦pretty good for this time of year!


Ya heā€™s not wrong, if you have your eye on a new one. It does a fairly straightforward job for youā€¦ helping it along with a clean and tune up should keep it motoring indefinitely would be my take.

He also knows youā€™ll be back to him for the replacement :wink:

Take out the farthest rad from the boiler and see what youā€™re dealing with. The whole system will will run more efficiently degunked.

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@FatChops I canā€™t find where to turn off my water out on the road. I suspect that when they resurfaced the road a few years ago they covered over the access point.

Youā€™ll laugh but Iā€™ve found water pipes with a coat hanger.



Are you Paudie Mulcair?


I have no idea where the pipes run for my house.
Irish Water failed to find them for a meter.

That map link is asking for a login.

Looks for a login.

Iā€™ve a fair idea in my head where it is, but Iā€™ll have to take up tarmac to find it, so Iā€™ll need to be reasonable accurate.

Why are second hand EV prices collapsing - losing 40 per cent of value in 12 months ?

Concern over lifespan of batteries or have people decide to wait for usable tech ?

Where are you seeing this? Or reported where?

Cat got your tongue @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ?

Cant see the times articles, but the evening standard one gives some good logic behind the raw figures. When you have tesla dropping the price hugely on new cars, then that will have a hig impact on second hand ones. Only using data on cars 3 years old, so no data on newer more up to date models, considering the huge impact of new cars bought in those years.

Id say once the high demand settles down somewhat and supply catches up and more of the newer models start trickling into the market, it will give a better indication of where things stand.

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@Ambrose_McNulty 010220 ā€œelectric cars are too expensiveā€

@Ambrose_McNulty 260923 ā€œelectric cars are too cheapā€


Na nGardaĆ­ in Banlashlow got a shiny spanking new EV SUV. Tis lovely altogether. Only problem is Na nGardaĆ­ donā€™t have a charger point at the station so itā€™s parked for large parts of a day at the public charging point in the town square.

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A visible presence.

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