The Electric Vehicle Thread

Is it 4kw or 6kw for that many panels?


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You’re doing well with that. Well wear.

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The efficiency of the panels currently in circulation is roughly 25%, that is when your system tells you it generated 28kWh, you’ve already realised a 75% dump in energy to ‘gain’ or ‘create’ the 28kWh. So effectively 100kWh have been lost.

Word is more efficient panels are in the pipeline, and, dependent on your trust of Chinese marketing data, you could realise an astonishing 20% loss only, thereby (theoretically of course) exporting a considerable amount back to the grid. The cynic in me would question whether or not our antiquated local infrastructure is suitably scaled for such pushing/pulling of power, but we’re years away from finding out.

Keep an eye on panel development and any marketing around ‘new technology’ where solar micro generation is concerned. For a few dollars more…


When charging the car, it takes around 7kw

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I’m not sure of your point…the 6kw is maybe a max hourly production or something…you can see from post above I generated 27 kWh yday

As in I can see from the app that when you charge the car, the output of electricity to do it is 7kw. As in right now, the house is using 0.1kw as there’s very little running only my workstation.


Yeah I’m just shy of 1kwh here dishwasher on…workstation…small excess heating the water at moment

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How much would it cost to replace an oil boiler. It’s 15 years old and I’d say not all that efficient at this stage

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Jaysis that’s some dawk


Closer to the 3. Had to do one about 2 years ago.

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Hasn’t given any trouble really but haven’t turned on the heating since march I’d say and needed a nudge to get going tonight …a service and life support until it dies I’d say based on that cost

@Ambrose_McNulty has you covered there. A good clean and service is well worth a shot before you drop even more cash.

Get a fella you trust and get him to test it before the clean out and again after. You’ll know where you stand then.

Good man chops…what would you be cleaning as a matter of interest…the internal pipings?

Is it a riello?

Kill the power to it and whip off the cover and inspect the burner… blow out any gunk you see. Open up the burner (few bolts) and do the same. Gently clean the nozzle and make sure it all goes back together.

Have you purged the rads?

It’s a firebird… no I haven’t bled the rads is that step 1 if there is an issue in getting the boiler going .I only have a few rads in house actually turned on must check the rest of em

Firebird is the same thing more or less.

Ya I’d do the rads first off. Turn off all heating/water and take them out one by one and hose them out until they run clear. Makes a massive difference if they’re gunged up. Bleed properly once they’re all back in.

Fire in the additive if it’s bad.

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Take out the rads?!! You’re having a laugh now


Imagine the style of her with all the rads singing. You’d be prancing round like McGregor.