The Electric Vehicle Thread

"SALES of new electric cars (BEVs) plunged by a massive 41pc last month amid fresh calls for the government to intervene to make them more affordable to buy and use.

There is now serious concern about how the transition to electric vehicles has stalled over the first quarter of 2024 – traditionally the biggest-buying period of the year.

Just 2,009 new BEVs were registered last month, down from 3,412 on the equivalent period last year. Perhaps even more worrying for the motor industry and the government is that there has been a 14.3pc dive in sales in the first quarter (to 7,971)."

EVs are a cod.

A fad that the usual virtue signalling folk got caught up in. ouch.


de oirish just behind the rest of the world

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We need all evs and phevs to have no motor tax.

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I think when things like the range and the network improve, that will tempt more folks.

I was at J14 a while back on a Friday afternoon, and there was people queueing for the chargers. Went in, had a feed, came out and they were still waiting. That kind of infrastructure wouldn’t inspire confidence.


i think they are reducing the grant so as to ramp up the charging points

They need to (apologies for pun) accelerate the introduction of new charging points alright pal.

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What did you have?

Mighty Mac Meal I’d say pal. Large of course.

I know a chap who has just bought an EV and he’s trying to return it to the garage and get a diesel instead because he’s seriously pissed off about what he sees as the misrepresentation about range. He took it for a spin to Sligo and it took him hours to get back waiting for chargers at service stations.


He needs to change his driving habits and drive at an appropiate speed

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He is - he’s going to get a diesel.


Tesla has disappointed the market. Will be interesting to see how it can get back on the necessary accelerated growth track.

€27 I saw someone paid for 200km worth of range at a street charger. Mugged off good and proper

Saw a report that charted the fall in customer sentiment towards Tesla and it mapped directly with a fall in Musks popularity. He’s seen as a major issue for them now.


Can this be fact checked?

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it can

Anyone with a twitter account can see that now.