The Emergency Budget

Upping the fags isn’t going to change anything, and taxing the fuck out of ourselves isn’t either.

The Benchmarked Pension is the black hole that is getting deeper by the day. Porky Kweeve was quoted 2 years ago saying it. And the fact remains today.

Redundo’s in the Public Service. Lose a third of all the 8’s and 5’s.

And seeing as there is a hiring freeze, HR Depts can be halved. And you know what? No public service you and I enjoy will even notice.

Accumulated/ Indexed Stamp Duty for owner occupiers.
Second Car Tax
Second Home Tax
Change the effective rate to 35%
Remove VAT on Domestic Utilities.

Don’t let them touch CGT.

Here you, fuck off!


[quote=“Mairegangaire”]The Benchmarked Pension is the black hole that is getting deeper by the day. Porky Kweeve was quoted 2 years ago saying it. And the fact remains today.


Porky Kweeve was a cunt of the highest order

True for ya.

indeed he was a cocky pampered fucker, but he stood up to Billy Keane and AFR while the rest of ye bemoaned the missing Shannonsider by farting into the wind.

Porky who was high maintenance and a pain in the hole to keep up, did right in the end.

No one faced up to Billy Keane and AFR like he did.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]indeed he was a cocky pampered fucker, but he stood up to Billy Keane and AFR while the rest of ye bemoaned the missing Shannonsider by farting into the wind.

Porky who was high maintenance and a pain in the hole to keep up, did right in the end.

No one faced up to Billy Keane and AFR like he did.[/quote]

Who cares, he was a cunt at the end of the day

He was a hero at the end of the day, and Shannon arrived back on AFR to a guard of honour. Before being barred again; now that was a cunt of a thing to do to Porky’s memory.

Fair’s fair Puke

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]He was a hero at the end of the day, and Shannon arrived back on AFR to a guard of honour. Before being barred again; now that was a cunt of a thing to do to Porky’s memory.

Fair’s fair Puke[/quote]

I didn’t pay too much heed to that SS** v billy keane bitch fight to be honest…But any time I read a Porky post i found them very long winded and pretentious…Rightly up his own arse that fella, how do you know him, is he a brother of yours or something?

:wink: :slight_smile:

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]indeed he was a cocky pampered fucker, but he stood up to Billy Keane and AFR while the rest of ye bemoaned the missing Shannonsider by farting into the wind.

Porky who was high maintenance and a pain in the hole to keep up, did right in the end.

No one faced up to Billy Keane and AFR like he did.[/quote]

could someone explain what happened with this shannonsider, billy keane and afr!

funny how you never called him a cunt until MGG fessed up Puke

a bit of the Sledge’s “whats ok for the lads is IOM stuff for the wimin.”

PS Long winded and Pretentious and up his own arse was the plan.

Never had the oportunity to…

Havent read through this so sorry if already posted.

Fleece fags for a start, people will still smoke. Huge correlation between increasing cost of fags and decreasing cost of healthcare for smokers in the long term. Wont solve the immediate problem but it is as good a time as any to do it.

I am not in favour of an approach for hammering everyone with tax raises. Maybe increase the top rate of tax by a few % and increase a super tax rate for high earners. Taxing people wont cover the shortfall and get us out of this mess. We need to try and become the best at something again.

Huge opportunities IMHO to become an exporter of electricity generated in a green manner, wind/wave power is a natural resource we have in abundance. UK is a massive market. Big capital spend now could prove to be a massive tax contributer in the future and provide high level of employment in the short term.

[quote=“dancarter”]Havent read through this so sorry if already posted.

Fleece fags for a start, people will still smoke. Huge correlation between increasing cost of fags and decreasing cost of healthcare for smokers in the long term. Wont solve the immediate problem but it is as good a time as any to do it.

I am not in favour of an approach for hammering everyone with tax raises. Maybe increase the top rate of tax by a few % and increase a super tax rate for high earners. Taxing people wont cover the shortfall and get us out of this mess. We need to try and become the best at something again.

Huge opportunities IMHO to become an exporter of electricity generated in a green manner, wind/wave power is a natural resource we have in abundance. UK is a massive market. Big capital spend now could prove to be a massive tax contributer in the future and provide high level of employment in the short term.[/quote]

Forgive my ignorance but what is difference between an income levy and a simple tax increase? Time for a new super tax. FF coming out with usual jargon about protecting the vunerable in society. Don’t believe they will.

Nice to see we should all share the pain, I dont recall sharing the profits.

No. Could someone please NOT explain it. We don’t give a shite. It’s obviously some kind of in-joke between MGG and the Puke. PM one of them if you need to know.


Eh it’s a week later. Doesn’t look like anybody was going to explain it.

A levy applies to everyone irrespective of tax credits, tax bands etc so you can be on the minimum wage and pay a levy but you wouldn’t be affected by an increase in the tax rate if you were below certain threshholds.

Levy would raise the most money because it takes from everyone but it’s also not as equitable as an income tax raise which would target higher earners.