The Emergency Budget

I will then.

Billy Keane boned SS’s ex missus’s hairdresser (who would be MGG’s sister in law, a brother of the butcher that porky kweeve used to slop out the stalls for).

All was grand til one night over a stil of poitin, didnt mgg say something about the raw smell of horses and the warm smell of hay. Well shur that kicked it all off. All wrongs were brought up. It was hell to believe there wasn’t a hell of a chance to be honest.

We all know only a full house can make a home, but there was no stopping this shower, they went at it like tinkers.

I dont think they’re back talking again, the streets were swimming with amputees, as they say, its a bible or a bullet they put over your heart.

Hope that clears it up.

[quote=“therock67”]A levy applies to everyone irrespective of tax credits, tax bands etc so you can be on the minimum wage and pay a levy but you wouldn’t be affected by an increase in the tax rate if you were below certain threshholds.

Levy would raise the most money because it takes from everyone but it’s also not as equitable as an income tax raise which would target higher earners.[/quote]

So is levy just taken as a percentage of your income? If they don’t hit the super rich hard in this budget they never will.

Wouldn’t be a bad idea to decrease social welfare payments today in line with the cost of living decreases.

Increasing the dole and increasing the lower paid employees taxes could wipe out a lot of the part time employees of the country. What’s the point in working part time if you can earn almost the same on the dole? Large employers will be only too happy to get rid of these workers also to save on employers PRSI.

[quote=“therock67”]A levy applies to everyone irrespective of tax credits, tax bands etc so you can be on the minimum wage and pay a levy but you wouldn’t be affected by an increase in the tax rate if you were below certain threshholds.

Levy would raise the most money because it takes from everyone but it’s also not as equitable as an income tax raise which would target higher earners.[/quote]
Stupid question:rolleyes:, but is that levy applied before or after regular taxing of the wage Rocko?

[quote=“BenShermin”]Wouldn’t be a bad idea to decrease social welfare payments today in line with the cost of living decreases.

Increasing the dole and increasing the lower paid employees taxes could wipe out a lot of the part time employees of the country. What’s the point in working part time if you can earn almost the same on the dole? Large employers will be only too happy to get rid of these workers also to save on employers PRSI.[/quote]

The Dole is at around €208.00 a week. Over 300,000 people signing on. Lower it down to €200.00 p.w and save around €2.5m a week. or if you like €130 million p.a

The levy will hit all income about 17700 or so. ALL.
They say that changing the tax rates/bands etc would be better off at the start of a tax year rather than changing it mid year.

Anyway, I’ve got 1 of those large tubes of KY in my pocket and I put a small tube of in around my balloon knot earlier this morning as I fear I’m going to be bum bludgened in the next 2 hours.

Of course, the way the justice system is in this country, if I were to go out and shoot a load of junkies who are sitting out on the liffey boardwalk then it would be ME at fault.
Anyway, get your KY ready, got Lenny has been just rubbing it around the outside since last October and he aint going to ease it in there like a gentleman.

Yours etc,

The first thing Irish people need to realise is that the ‘good times’ as we understood them were almost completely artificial, a fraud. Since about the turn of the century the positive growth in our balance of trade has been in decline, and the country has ran on borrowed cash. This much is accepted by practically everyone.

What has not been accepted however, is any personal degree of responsibility for what has happened. If your living standard has been sustained by other peoples cash, then tough shit. It is no one elses fault that you failed to recognise a flaw in your borrow and spend system and it is no one elses responsibility to help you out of it. Yes, the government fanned the flames of the whole fiasco instead of exerting some level of control. Yes, the banks were greedy, devious, and immoral (who would have thought it!!) in their operations. But the individual must grow up and accept some of the blame.

The system that created this mess is the system that Irish people accepted, no demanded for the last ten years. I give you a government free economy, where no one is responsible for anyone else.

Free market economics what we wanted, and an agonising credit cruch and recession is what we deserve.

Yeah, about that…

remember that we have at least 2 more of these type budgets to come after this one.

Like as in it’ll be another 2 years of cuts and tax hikes before things are right?

[quote=“Watch The Break”]The first thing Irish people need to realise is that the ‘good times’ as we understood them were almost completely artificial, a fraud. Since about the turn of the century the positive growth in our balance of trade has been in decline, and the country has ran on borrowed cash. This much is accepted by practically everyone.

What has not been accepted however, is any personal degree of responsibility for what has happened. If your living standard has been sustained by other peoples cash, then tough shit. It is no one elses fault that you failed to recognise a flaw in your borrow and spend system and it is no one elses responsibility to help you out of it. Yes, the government fanned the flames of the whole fiasco instead of exerting some level of control. Yes, the banks were greedy, devious, and immoral (who would have thought it!!) in their operations. But the individual must grow up and accept some of the blame.

The system that created this mess is the system that Irish people accepted, no demanded for the last ten years. I give you a government free economy, where no one is responsible for anyone else.

Free market economics what we wanted, and an agonising credit cruch and recession is what we deserve.[/quote]

Agree with you that the Irish people must accept some blame for this. What I’d fault us for though is voting in FF for last few elections when despite the economy supposedly doing so well our public services like education (terrible facilities, huge class sizes), health (terrible facilities, awful management) and transport were a shambles. No that the boom is over the first thing the government has done has been to target these areas. The fact we vote these clowns in time after time is why we are at fault. Not because your living standard may have been sustained on other people’s cash. Can’t stand FG but FF are the primary cause of this mess and I want anyone in charge of this state other than them.

as in at least 2 more years of cuts and hikes and then we will have a better idea of how fucked we are.

According to Today FM, diesel is going up 5c per litre and cigarettes are going up 25c per box of 20.

This country took such a political leap to the right in the last ten years that no one voted on these issues larry. We were pushed by the political elite and the media to vote with our wallets and so we did. The schools, the health system are probably going to get worse. Unless this country makes a massive political move re-adjustment then something akin to the UK school system is where we’re headed. We are one of the most unequal societies in the ‘developed’ world and as a result crime, mental illness, teenage pregnancy and every other social ill you can imagine is going to be on the rise. It’s the economic system we voted for and if we continue to vote for it then it’s all we deserve.

Yeah accept what your saying. In fairness though people did vote on these issues. Just not in enough numbers and majority of those who voted FF last time will do so again and again. People are all for giving out about the way the government is being run but when election time comes we vote in same idiots time and again. That is why we are culpable.
Could well be headed towards UK model all right. Not a nice thought.

I can see your point but I woudl disagree.
My belief is that people, like myself and yourself have a responsibility to look after ourselves and our families and to support our communities etc.
The Government have a responsibility, their well paid job, to manage the countrys finances and to manage the economy.
It’s not down to the man on the street to manage the nations economy and even if he wanted to it’s not possible.

What you’re saying is that if parents leave sweets sitting around the house then its the childrens fault for getting fat.

Of course this is the fault of a minority of people in governemnts and big industry who did not manage money or their economies for the interest of the public they represent, and the banks took it upon themselves to use other peoples money to make massive amounts of profit for themselves only. We just need to look at the AIB profits these past few years.

At the moment we are in trouble but there is not much I can do to get us out of it. I can only look after the people I can look after.
It’s down to the governemnt to govern. It’s down to the government to make the policy which puts the nation on a road to recovery and then keep it that way.
In summary, I will blame the government for their part. The rest of the fault is with like minded wasters the world over.

Yours in calling it,

Nobody pushed me. Anyone who claims they were pushed to do something are idiotic lemmings.

I didn’t vote FF. I hate the scamming feckers.
Still though. They get the job to govern the nations finances.
FG woudl have had much the same policies as FF.
The budget when FF took over all those years ago was FG budget minus shoe tax, so I can’t honestly say that FG wodul ahev done better. Labour either.
My point is that these guys, no matter what they have in mind, have a responsibility to look after the economy and the social aspect of life here.
They failed, but I don’t think they weren’t smart enough. I think they failed becuase they lost the view that they are in power to serve the poeple and instead becaome a self serving shower of wankers.
Yours etc,

I hope there is no bear tax.

ya a tax on them bears would be shocking