The Emergency Budget

[quote=“Watch The Break”]Picture carried by today’s London Independent…[/quote]

Bejazus the spirit of Punch is alive and well in Sir Anthony’s paper

Fooking hell, you can say that again. Whatever about the Brits slagging us though over our hard times, we can still have lower taxes than the Brits, less stealth taxes, better pay, better welfare, lower transport costs, better standard of life etc.

And we’re not a band of occupying coonts.

Ah there wouldn’t be anything typically ‘British’ about the english Independent, it’s a pretty solid paper to be fair.

On the point you just made though, well worth taking a look at this article regarding income equality and standard of life.

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: In an unequal society, we all suffer

Mental illness, obesity and crime are all worse in nations of greatest inequality

Monday, 23 March 2009

True-blue Tories are sick of posing and posturing. You can’t blame them. It must feel itchy and uncomfortable under the gowns they are now forced to wear, with their billowing, New Tory promises. The electorate must be persuaded that the party is modern, urbane, egalitarian and socially responsible, led by nice boys. That is the Cameron strategy and thus far was proving to be effective.
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I am sure the nice boys believe some of their own PR and like how they look in the mirror, smart and appealing. Sadly too many of their own do not and are revolting. On Any Questions at the weekend Boris threw off the irksome disguise to reveal real Conservative values naked greed and seething class interests even in this time of global rage against extreme capitalism.

On Friday David Cameron said he would keep the 45 per cent tax on high earners that Labour now belatedly wants to put in place, after decades of indulging those who ripped off their companies and the state. That same evening the London Mayor undermined his leader by taking a swipe at those seeking to clobber the rich, energetic wealth creators, without whom there would be no enterprise. They never learn do they? Does this ambitious blonde not see the detritus of this bankrupt ideology all around him? Clearly not, and nor do John Redwood and others for whom Cameron is a traitor to “real” conservatism.

Thatcher and Reagan were the first fervent missionaries of the dogma that has brought the world to its knees. Set the makers of money free, they said, and everyone, even the winter birds in our gardens, would grow plump on the surfeit. Happiness would flood the lands to bring on plentiful harvests.

Blair came in and saw no reason not to carry on with the charmed and charming credo. Then, the bandits were blessed by the gods and governments. Peter Mandelson, memorably said: “We are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich.” That included him, Blair, and many of the New Labourites for whom political victory was a stairway to mammon. And an affirmation of their right to be as supercilious and callous as the previous incumbents.

Someone needs to list the wealth made and taxes paid by all those millionaires and billionaires, wooed first by the Tories then Labour. Too many felt we owed them gratitude, respect, seats in the Lords, special privileges, the right not to pay into the public purse whilst stealing from it.

As a social democrat perhaps I am viscerally (and irrationally) repulsed by the super-affluent and their show-off lifestyles. But others have looked at their effect coolly, and tested the model. What they find is worse than anyone could have predicted. The most recent study is the most compelling and shocking. All free marketeers should be made to memorise it from cover to cover.

In The Spirit Level, two sober academics Richard Wilkinson and his partner Kate Pickett, both medical epidemiologists have published strong evidence to prove that in unequal societies everyone suffers even those who think they have it made for generations to come. They looked at 20 of the richest nations and compared various social and health problems, measuring those against an index of equality. The US, Portugal (feudal in the near past) and the UK are the most unequal nations, with the top 20 per cent earning nine times more than the bottom 20 per cent. Japan, Finland, Norway and Sweden are where the money gap is smallest.

Teenage pregnancies, mental illness, life expectancy, obesity, illiteracy, homicide, crime are all worse in the states of greater inequality and not only for the poorest but for all citizens and residents. Spain is more equal than its neighbour, Portugal and you can see how vastly different are the social ills in the two countries. There is even evidence that in unequal societies, the people have higher levels of stress hormones.

The UK was more egalitarian between 1974 and 1978 than it has been since and the divide between the top and bottom today is deeper than it has ever been. True, the economic miracle made many more millionaires and don’t we see that in the glass palaces of London, the surge in private members’ clubs, fine dining, designer gear, exorbitantly priced wine, art, jewels and cars? That meant many more servants were needed (bless the masters) and the service industry grew exponentially. The middle classes found their incomes rising too, and a second home became as “essential” as the second car and private education. The space between us and them the poorest widened disastrously.

The US spends more on healthcare than anywhere in the world but a baby in Greece has a higher life expectancy than a baby in the planet’s the richest nation. The prison population in Britain has doubled since 1990 and quadrupled in the States since the 1970s. Trust and cohesion are abysmally low in these states. The sense of injustice on the one hand and paranoia on the other makes social ease impossible.

Boris doesn’t get it. For him it should be business as usual, as it has been since he was born and before that when Britain was believed to be a matchless nation of plucky entrepreneurs with insatiable ambitions who kept the islands afloat and prosperous. It was never true back when the seafaring nation sent forth the intrepid to come back with gold and cash to fill the royal coffers. The poor were kept wretched as they were during the Industrial Revolution and the days of Imperial glory. Inequality was a price happily paid for these capitalist adventures and class, like caste, became absolute destiny.

In 1999, Blair said his government would liberate Britons from the forces of inherited conservatism and would make a nation built not on class privilege or background but the “equal worth of all”. If he ever meant it, that vision was too soon overwhelmed by his impulses to please the affluent. Brown has followed suit. A far bigger disaster than the global downturn is the society we have been left with. It will take decades to reverse the politics and economics of gross disparity. Obama seems to understand the challenge. We have no such leader and are therefore condemned to live in a poor little rich little country.

One thing that’s dawned on me in the last few months… I always thought that Fianna Fail were smart but made a fuck of running the country due to cronyism and their self preservation at all costs approach.

It never dawned on me til recently that on top of all that they’re stupid, inept, thick cunts as well

[quote=“Georgy Comerford”]One thing that’s dawned on me in the last few months… I always thought that Fianna Fail were smart but made a fuck of running the country due to cronyism and their self preservation at all costs approach.

It never dawned on me til recently that on top of all that they’re stupid, inept, thick cunts as well[/quote]

I think it’s more that they have no real guiding principles beyond their own survival georgy. I remember this talk I went to in college by this professor in political science, and he was saying how fianna fail defied political classification. In other words, they occupied whatever point on the political spectrum they needed to occupy to get elected. They are the ultimate ‘party of pragmatism’, which is why nothing they ever do seems to have any real strategic intent. They just seem to be content to pull whatever stroke is necessary to survive the latest crisis and to hell with principles.

I’d agree that re-election is their only principle but even now when faced with the current situation they’ve been very slow and ponderous in their response.
Personally I hope that they stay in power for the next three years, the country going down the tubes for the next ten or fifteen years would be a small price to pay for waking people up to what a malign force Fianna Fail is

Really interesting article that Watch. Thanks for posting it.

Would you believe it, a positive article about the Irish government! Not from an Irish paper though:

Jeremy Warner: Ireland’s shock therapy has got its merits

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Outlook: If Alistair Darling, the British Chancellor, wants lessons in self correction, he could do a lot worse than study the details of the emergency budget outlined in Dublin this week by Brian Lenihan, the Irish finance minister. Mr Darling is due to announce his own Budget in a couple of weeks’ time, but don’t expect him to follow Mr Lenihan’s lead.

Rather than provide the fiscal stimulus demanded of world leaders by Gordon Brown, Ireland has done precisely the reverse and put in train a significant fiscal tightening. Taxes are being raised and public spending is being reined in. Is this not suicide in an economy which is expected to shrink by anything up to 8 per cent this year?

Not necessarily, but in any case, Mr Lenihan has little choice in the matter. The demands of euro membership force him to take steps to reduce the budget deficit, expected to rise this year to more than four times the European Union maximum, whether he wants to or not. Total public debt as a proportion of national income, having for long ticked along at a lowly 25 per cent, is also spiralling out of control.

Markets are punishing the government accordingly. Despite Ireland’s membership of the euro, spreads on Irish government debt have widened to more than 2.5 per cent to reflect a now plausible risk of default. Mr Lenihan had no option, but he also seems to be doing broadly the right thing.

If all countries were to follow the same course, then it might indeed result in a second Great Depression. A similar policy response applied internationally in the 1930s ended disastrously for all. But it is perfectly reasonable for smaller countries acting in isolation to think this the right approach. Similar medicine was applied to some of the tiger economies of the Far East after the emerging markets crisis of the late 1990s. Thereby rebooted, many of these economies soon bounced back.

Ireland is still joined at the hip to the UK economy, so to some extent it can piggy-back off the action being taken in Britain to restimulate the economy. Nor can Britain really complain. The strength of the euro against the pound has put Ireland at a considerable competitive disadvantage to the UK. Irish citizens now regularly troop across the border with Northern Ireland for their weekly shop.

Catholic guilt is still one of Ireland’s defining national characteristics. After the long boom, there is a certain collective, almost masochistic resignation to the present corrective period of pain. The two main planks of Ireland’s economic policy low corporate taxation to encourage inward investment and a high educational budget are to be maintained, but there’s to be a big leap in the middle class tax burden.

Fears that this might encourage a new wave of Irish emigration, reversing the trend of recent years when there was if anything a move back to Ireland, look overdone. Where will these emigrants go? There are no jobs in Britain, Europe or America, and the few regions of the world which are still growing are not noted for paying Western-style salaries.

In any case, the short sharp shock approach to getting the public finances back on the straight and narrow may have something to commend it over the long, slow march back to fiscal rectitude that Britain faces once the crisis is over.