The Emergency Budget

typical fiann fail cunts budget

hitting the small man in the pocket without addressing the real issues: no heavy tax on funboys !!!

[quote=“artfoley”]typical fiann fail cunts budget

hitting the small man in the pocket without addressing the real issues: no heavy tax on funboys !!![/quote]

are funboys not small men?

depends on what you’re talking about, gut, brain, stature

[quote=“artfoley”]typical fiann fail cunts budget

hitting the small man in the pocket without addressing the real issues: no heavy tax on funboys !!![/quote]
I thought Civil Servants were not allowed to talk ill of the government:)!

no, that’s people who’ve been on the dole for 10 years or more:rolleyes:

Art is special though, he’ll do his own thing (once he’s told)

Not very happy to be honest
Am going to be losing a significant wedge of money between the Levy, health levy and PRSI as well as Child benefit that would be coming
And how many bankers have been bailed out because of this?

Very limited cutbacks in expenditure, I wouldn’t put this Govt in charge of a transition year mini company

fuck you arklow boy !

Like McGeedy1916 and Whiskeyinthejar?

Art, stop trying to ruin this thread for fook sake. How will the budget affect you? Will yez be striking again?

There was something mentioned on the radio about a softening of the pension levy for lower paid civil servants. All your man said was “the devil is in the detail”. Anyone have any more info on this?

We shouldn’t let him get to us Mac, he’s just trying to bog the forum down with a shitload of red tape.

Red tape and working groups Ben. I’d probably need 6 levels of authority just to make this post.

You can set up a committee to investigate how this post will effect levels of moral in ArtFoleys department.

Do you have the relevant forms to do this Mac? If you don’t I’ll file a form to get the special pen needed to file the forms needed to get you the forms you need.

[quote=“BenShermin”]You can set up a committee to investigate how this post will effect levels of moral in ArtFoleys department.

Do you have the relevant forms to do this Mac? If you don’t I’ll file a form to get the special pen needed to file the forms needed to get you the forms you need.[/quote]

I’m confused Ben. Can I take my Christmas shopping day tomorrow to think about it?

Anyone care to tell me what’s going on the Dole thread? Any feuds developing? Being in full-time employment, I obviously won’t be clicking into it myself.

[quote=“BenShermin”]You can set up a committee to investigate how this post will effect levels of moral in ArtFoleys department.

Do you have the relevant forms to do this Mac? If you don’t I’ll file a form to get the special pen needed to file the forms needed to get you the forms you need.[/quote]

Just don’t do any of that on your 180 minute lunch hour.

Puke’s a waster, nothing else going on really.

Take the Christmas shopping day off tommorrow Mac, sure when December 8th comes you can just go on strike!

I did a bit of investigating and it seems the government gave a a bit of a softening of the pension levy. They kept that very quiet though.

Old way was 3% on first 15,000 … 6 % on next 5,000 … 10% on earnings above 20,000

New Way is first 15,000 is exempt…5% for next 5,000, and 10% for earning between 20,000 and 60,000

Picture carried by today’s London Independent…