The English Premier League 2016/17™

3 ozil

Ah lovely :ronnyroar:

Not surprised to see an anglophile like you defending your product, mate.

Taxi for Conte.

conte finding the going tough in the absence of bent refs and PEDs

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ah lovely, taxi for the greaseball


Woolwich could well get in the title mix with the two from Manchester. The rest playing for fourth.

Poor Gary Cahill can’t seem to organise that Brazilian Nut at all. Cahill is finished at Chelsea when Sleeps with your missus & Zuma return.

Chelsea recovered from 2 goals down in midweek.

They can do 3 today.

Mister Conte will get them in at half time and strategize their comeback.

this fraud wouldn’t teach a dog to bark

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That’s a wonderfully cutting anology, mate.

cant se chelsea finishing this with 11or conte finishing the season in charge

He’s been a revelation in the 1st half.

I am not more an Anglophile than you are an eyetie .

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The fall in price of oil being reflected here ???

Fuck, he make not make it past tomorrow morning. I’d say Abrhamovich will give him the bum’s rush this evening.
He’s stealing a living, hasn’t a notion.

I suggest that an award be set up on the site for bad coach/manager of the year . “Conte of the Year”

Shove your suggestions up your hole & start your own EPL thread.

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I will give the matter consideration.

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the specialist in failure secures his first win in 10 attempts against chelsea.