The English Premier League 2016/17™

G[quote=“Fitzy, post:279, topic:22389, full:true”]
:astonished: Scenes, I don’t know where to turn.

To the good eye side :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Souness is one xenophobic, negative dickhead.

Better pundit then that cunt Henry.

Not sure I agree.

Though Henry was decent on the BBC during the summer, haven’t see much of him on Sky but my initial impressions were gimp.

Henry has nothing of note to say ever .he just glides through in his Parisian accent…he’s chronically poor.

Souness in fairness comes out with the odd gem sometimes at least.

Sounnes is a broken record, everything has to fit in with his “it’s all Johnny Foreigner’s fault” narrrative.

I though Henry was quite interesting on the BBC, away from Sky’s contrived format.

I’ll admit he did come across ok on BBC…but I haven’t heard him say one thing of note on Sky in over 12 months.

He’s like a French Jamie Redknapp with an equally annoying accent.

BT have a better format and standard of analyst to be fair.


0-1 lovren

David Luiz has started well here defensively. :smiley:

Can’t understand that transfer.

What has he done wrong?

I didn’t even know this was on…

He’s a center half pal.

They’re supposed to organise the defensive line against opposing teams free kicks.

Did you see Lovrens goal?


What a strike from Henderson, a peach. 0-2

BANGER from the captain

Are we murdering them???

Chelsea had a spell but we are doing ok. Broke Luis’ nose as well

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Harsh to put so much blame on Luiz but how the fuck did Liverpool have 3 over at the back post for the first goal?

It probably is harsh, but he’s as culpable if not more so as he’s a senior defender in that back 4.

And the defending for that goal was disgraceful.