The English Premier League 2016/17™

Dembele and Wanyama are a formidable midfield 2.

Gas cunts

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I’d say he has all this stuff written out in a word doc and he just copies and pastes

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Nice post. Well said buddy.

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My word, you’re not very bright. :smiley:
I don’t wade in, if I don’t agree with him sometimes I say it, you’d never disagree with anything one of your mates said because you’re a sycophant, that was my point. I agree with him when I have cause to, I’d treat you the exact same wheras if I say black you are programmed to say white cause you know you’ll get an easy ride from your lads.


@backinatracksuit has is well sussed.

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Easy ride?

@Nembo_Kid is a 100% correct by the way.

The day has softened here in the mid west.
Thank fuck the frost is gone. I was drawing hay this morning and the roads were well dodgy.

Has anyone thought about the summer hols yet ?

Isn’t TFK great.


What is he 100% right in?

Where are you going?

Oh Yes.

Might get my hair cut later.

Thinking of Latvia.

It’s nice there I believe.

I hope so.

I know a man from Latvia.

Decent people.