The English Premier League 2016/17™

We never heard a peep out of him about conspiracies.

The only incident he actually acknowledged was the City one which was as blatant as you’ll see - no claims about conspiracies there.

Nice try at attempting to mislead people but you’ll need your facts right against me.

You should have made your post more clear. You said we never heard a peep out of him, you never mentioned anything about conspiracies

I have referenced conspiracies plenty of times in this dispute, you should pay more attention.

I think I should be paying less attention tbh



@the_man_himself is correct here. i commented on the decisions in the Liverpool and Woolwich games as they happened. @Nembo_Kid should really stop holding himself hostage to fortune.

Here’s what I posted on 27 August, the day of the Liverpool match at White Hart Lane.

Here’s what I said about the penalty decision on 6 November at Woolwich. You may recall there was some debate about whether the Wimmer o.g. was correctly awarded to Woolwich. I also very sportingly acknowledged that there was no problem with the Woolwich goal.

That’s your opinion and this is a great deal of subjectivity to that.

They were highly controversial, highly contentious decisions and Spurs came out the right side of them as they conveniently seem to have done in big decisions this season.

No sign of conspiracy there, yet one decision goes Chelsea’s way this year and you’re calling conspiracy.

Utterly bizarre and anti-logic.

You’ve been well and truly clamped again mate. You said any number of times there wasn’t a peep out of me about any of these decisions. I’ve just posted up the posts and judgement calls that I made on the three decisions you referred to yesterday in live time as I was watching the games. I made the correct calls in each case too. I even sportingly acknowledged that I didn’t have a problem with the Woolwich goal against Spurs when plenty were saying it shouldn’t have been allowed. I am as objective, fair and most of the time correct as you could get.

If you can show me where you were crying conspiracy when Spurs were continually benefitting from controversial decisions then I will recant. Otherwise I will continue to collar you on your bizarre, anti-logic contradictions.

Spurs denied a stonewall penalty there, disgraceful decision.

Can @GeoffreyBoycott give some tutorials on how to use the search engine so efficiently.

In true never say die Ulster attitude, when it all looks bad, change the goalposts and argue something different and ignore all that went before. Well played Nembo, well played.


His MO has become extremely tiresome now. He’s made a holy show of himself on the GGA football league thread.

I can understand how I would upset people who are hypocrites.

You’ve upset nobody pal, people are just laughing at you now. A little humility from yourself would go a long way.

You’re upset, you’re contrary that I’ve exposed you as a hypocrite.

I never got a reply as to why you didn’t ask why Dublin were awarded a free in the dying minutes against Tyrone. You asked today when Dublin had one awarded against them.

Bit of double standards at play there.

Nobody is fooled by his bluster and diversionary tactics anymore.

Sidney mark 2.


You have to give a lot of the credit for this Sunday entertainment to Harry and tsg, if it wasn’t for their wummish support he’d have given up long ago, well done lads. :sweat_smile:


It was completely irrelevant mate, that’s why I didn’t answer you.