The English Premier League 2016/17™

I’ve mentioned this one before. ‘changing tack’ not tact. Another example of basic English you don’t understand. Shit Nordie education to blame I suppose.


I’d say you have the bad aids

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As usual your need to position yourself as a know it all backfires.

Tact is perfectly fine in this instance, a sure sign of your limited comprehensions skills and over exuberant arrogance.

Oh I see, having seen your posts above, it is clear you have a poor grasp of English and don’t understand what you are saying.

This is hilarious :grinning:

Fuck off doleboy

You need to take English lessons lad. You are embarrassing yourself with this Pidgin English of yours



Pidgin English.

Fucking simpleton.

Auto Correct pal

Stones is a stones

Hardly mate. Pidgin is a perfectly normal word in the Queen’s English.

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Wrong. Tact is like diplomacy so it’s no surprise you know nothing about its use. Check this out, I even went to the trouble of setting up a website to showcase your ignorance.

We can get the nembo guy to write a letter to Apple :wink:

Auto Correct?

Can you not afford a proper phone, doleboy?

I’m replying to you on a iPhone pal. No autocorrect when I typed it.

Don’t be too hard on this nimbo lad, he is a bit tired and emotional, if you know what I mean.

I have alluded to your limited comprehension. Your need to arrogantly jump in and grab the wrong end of the stick has once again backfired on you.

I have dismantled your argument. You’re reduced to your usual tired refrian of ‘he’s Italian so he has to be great’.

I’ll re-iterate again the points that I’ve made

  • Conte has no history of managing in England and in his 9 league games at the helm, so far, its been mixed. In the two games Conte has faced Top 6 opposition, his Chelsea side were destroyed 3-0 away at Woolwich and 2-1 at home to Liverpool.

  • I’m not hugely impressed by a track record of 8 years of club management in Italy, 5 of which were spent in Serie B/relegation places in Serie A.

  • I don’t put too much weight on winning a few titles with Juventus in what is essentially a one team league.

  • The ‘three convincing wins on the bounce’ you are putting so such store on included a win against a Hull City side who have picked up 1 point form their last 7 games and conceded 21 and at home to a Leicester City side who have lost all 4 away games and conceded 13 goals on the road.

  • I see nothing about the guy or his track record which suggests he will be a success at Chelsea.

I imagine he’s formulating his response as we speak. He can’t accept defeat. He has that staunch ‘Ulster says No!’ attitude that has to be admired.

No stick. No grabbing. Just a thick Nordie with a chip on his shoulder who can’t accept when he’s wrong.