The family unit will be saved by this agenda

That’s a lovely scene, in fairness. It’s great how much Ireland has progressed in my lifetime.


Funny rating.

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These two chaps creating a little bit of history today.

Dolores Murphy and Mabel Stoop-Murphy were set to become one of the first same-sex couples to wed under the Marriage Act 2015 in Cork.
However, the couple were informed by Cork Registry Office staff that, because the necessary 24 hours had not elapsed since they signed formal notification forms, the wedding could not proceed.
The shocked couple were informed of the problem in the registry office surrounded by their witnesses and friends.


There’s a great line futher down:

The couple insisted they were informed several weeks ago that they could sign the forms and marry on the same day.
“We just don’t know - we don’t know,” Dolores said.“I am heartbroken. We are absolutely devastated by this,” she added, fighting back tears.
"This was supposed to be the best day of our lives.
"But once again the Government has let us down. I’m sorry - I can’t say anything more."


Fuckers can’t even get the paperwork right. Bet they didn’t do the pre marriage course.

Probably sisters. That’s rank. Can hardly blame the government.

please update the cork weirdo sicko thread with these two


lovely stuff. fuck them. marriage is serious business, it is to be taken seriously.
obviously these two fucking gowls didn’t afford it the respect that it deserves and were treating it like a drive through wedding in vegas where they were going to rock up and pay Elvis by debit card.
fuck off out of it for fuck sake.


They’ve still got their 2 seconds of fame on and the rest of that shite. Attention seeking twats.


Cork deviants.

Well judging by the amount of effort they put into getting dressed up for their big day is it any surprise they put fuck all effort into the legalities.

Everyone else seems to do this without a hitch but the fungirls couldn’t and then blamed everyone but themselves


Does the 3 months pre notice for marriage apply?

Should do

Equal rights what dose this mean

I wouldn’t have pegged them as lezzers tbh.


Me neither. Just like any of the lads you’d see down in the yurting club.


Iv never seen the likes of either of them in my forays into lesbian porn


Just as well it didn’t go ahead, imagine going out on a kayak in that wind today. The limerick lads would die from fright.

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This is Serious cork sicko stuff.

Id be worried for you if you did. The sight of either of them two in one of my collection would have put me off any kind of porn and into therapy