The family unit will be saved by this agenda

Two and a half men…


the poor child

Poor child

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God bless the child.

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If very nearly have Charlie Sheens current preficament than the childs

Some barber has found himself a right handy number there.


Is the child adopted or one of their own by birth from when one of them was “straight” presumably?

I know a lezzer from my community at home who was married with kids for years, and was knocking off her girlfriend while still with the husband, the eldest child was 10 or so when she fucked off from the husband. Mad stuff.

The child looks very happy in that picture.

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Your one on the left looks like that lad from Little Britain (not Matt Lucas, the other fella)

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Cunts cant even register for a marriage, he’ll never make it into junior infants.

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I’d imagine he will do fine.

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Home schooled? Fuck that.

Fuck sake, the child lads. It has no hope.

lads the whole thing is utterly disgusting
its beyond a joke now



Easy targets there @HBV in fairness.

I don’t see them harming anyone. Leave them off.

There’s an awful lot of nimby, outraged, Daily Mail reading lads posting in this thread, going out of their way to be offended by people doing something that won’t affect them in the slightest. Calm down and have a cup of green tea petals.

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What do you mean easy targets? They chose to present themselves in that manner for fucjsake.

By the look of them pal they are easy targets to have a laugh at. By all accounts they fucked up something legally on the way to getting married and judging the photo aren’t exactly the brains behind the yes campaign.

There are far more dangerous operators out there then those misfortunes is my point.

Fella’s dressing up as queens and making film’s troubles me far more. And then you’ve cunts like Bressie who will more then likely come out in 5 years as bisexual so that his still relevant to do another bullshit reality bites rte2 manipulation program.

Yeh its a bad sight but a better chance than a seriel adulture like yourself