- Applecrumbled
- Backinatracksuit
0 voters
Give a very brief outline of the context here. What are we voting on?
Apple set up his Betting thread and lost a lot of his opening bets… Tracksuit said he was gonna gamble the farm away if he wasnt careful and Apple took it as a slight on his sick father.
No he said I was going to lose some imaginary fund my parents left me. Then glas told him I had a fair and went on from there.
I asked tracksuit to stop mentioning my dad as he was very ill at the time. He refused to stop.
That’s it really – Apple reckons he was bullied and wants to destroy tfk as a result.
It was disgusting.
This is actually brilliant.
This isn’t ruining TFK, this is making it.
It’ll be a right little site when there’s only myself, Esteban, Harry, Appled, BIATS, Glas and Choco left all flagging each other’s posts.
There is a question of who to believe though. What is in dispute?
Your posts can’t be flagged you prick
I’m not sure to be honest – Apple reckons it was a planned attempt to be nasty to him when his dad was sick — Tracky thinks it was just a bit of fun.
I’d like to see the alleged posts before making a vote here. I don’t go into the betting threads (I think I’ve got them muted actually) but it’s getting a little tiresome when it starts taking over multiple threads
Just like the old days
I’m with the Limerickman.
Backinatracksuit is too humble to vote for himself.
Could one of the moderators even be bothered to verify the existence of said farm?
Dungeon this shit
I don’t have a farm. Glas became obsessed with who I am and a few more limerick posters. I think they pegged me as some guy they knew who inherited a pile of money off his parents. Which is not true.