🤔 The Farm Affair - A Forum Unites

  • Applecrumbled
  • Backinatracksuit

0 voters

Give a very brief outline of the context here. What are we voting on?


Apple set up his Betting thread and lost a lot of his opening bets… Tracksuit said he was gonna gamble the farm away if he wasnt careful and Apple took it as a slight on his sick father.


No he said I was going to lose some imaginary fund my parents left me. Then glas told him I had a fair and went on from there.

I asked tracksuit to stop mentioning my dad as he was very ill at the time. He refused to stop.

That’s it really – Apple reckons he was bullied and wants to destroy tfk as a result.

It was disgusting.

This is actually brilliant.

This isn’t ruining TFK, this is making it.

It’ll be a right little site when there’s only myself, Esteban, Harry, Appled, BIATS, Glas and Choco left all flagging each other’s posts.


There is a question of who to believe though. What is in dispute?

Your posts can’t be flagged you prick :rage:

I’m not sure to be honest – Apple reckons it was a planned attempt to be nasty to him when his dad was sick — Tracky thinks it was just a bit of fun.

I’d like to see the alleged posts before making a vote here. I don’t go into the betting threads (I think I’ve got them muted actually) but it’s getting a little tiresome when it starts taking over multiple threads

Just like the old days

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@Lickmyass has logged in to vote – scenes :clap:

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I’m with the Limerickman.

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Backinatracksuit is too humble to vote for himself.

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Could one of the moderators even be bothered to verify the existence of said farm?

Dungeon this shit


I don’t have a farm. Glas became obsessed with who I am and a few more limerick posters. I think they pegged me as some guy they knew who inherited a pile of money off his parents. Which is not true.