🤔 The Farm Affair - A Forum Unites

I’m voting along TFK faction lines, which goes to the crumble. this farm shit is tiresome though.


Well there you go then. They didn’t even take the time to check their facts before diving in with studs showing and both feet off the ground.

wait till ye see the cork crowd stick together on this one

Have you heard the old saying ‘bet the farm’? Well I used that a few times in exchanges with AC, usually after he had been nasty towards me, accusing me of being a bad parent, untrustworthy around kids, threatening violence on me etc
Well it turns out @anon32894817 took it that I was having a go (mocking) at his dad as the original owner of this hypothetical farm,
I can categorically state that I have never been furnished with any information about his personal life, mods would be free to go into my pms to check this,
In the context of this forum it was very tame banter, I implied that he came from money because he could afford the high life without ever having worked,

If people here genuinely believe that I was capable of mocking an ill man then I will leave in a heartbeat, anything I ever said was directed at the poster here

Even the Limerick exile, the turncoat.

and now @anon32894817 has confirmed that there was never even a farm. madness i tells ya!

I 100 percent believe you are as I asked You to stop and you kept it up. Even got your buddy glas to keep it up too.

We had a right field day the time I found out apple had a fair on the farm.

I’m going to have to remove mediation as a noteworthy skill from my CV :unamused:

But you can replace it with WUM


ah no he cant, unless you put piss poor before it


no, cunt!

Deary me.

yes indeedy

the moderators deleted the worst of the posts, very bad things were said towards AC and his family


At least you tried and I’ve respect for that.

Should be a ‘Don’t care’ option I just wanna see how the votes are panning out.

I have indeed.

Is it a case that there’s a misunderstanding @anon32894817 ? Both posters feel they have been slighted by each other. Other posters are using it to score headshots against one of ye, because of existing beefs. I’ve no beefs with either of ye, so is there any hope of a treaty, and we all move on?

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I waited months for an apology it wasn’t offered. Too late now. I want ruin this place. I’ll never forget that night how I felt and then I logged in here and this cunt was talking about my dad.

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