šŸ¤” The Farm Affair - A Forum Unites

Whereā€™s the option for neither?


If you believe that I mocked a man with cancer then give him the vote, there is no proof despite me repeatedly offering my resignation if it exists, itā€™s quite odd,

I certainly donā€™t believe you did that. It would seem very out of character .

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Will you post a load of really shitty lookalikes?
Will you say you support Gemma Oā€™Doherty and drive us all demented?


@Sidney silence on this matter is deafening

Bring back Sidney and Labane

He done it for about 18 months. Terrorised me.

@Sidney wants all white males to kill themselvesā€¦ or each other. This suits his agenda perfectly

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More lies. He did apologise. Months and months ago.

You think heā€™d lead by example

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I find this place is very well moderated. If what you said went on for 18 months , Iā€™d say @backinatracksuit would have been sent on gardening leave a long time ago.

Heā€™s got too much sense.

Theres a sad game going on here. Its very disturbing. Why is a sick man mentioned in every second reply by his son. He shouldnā€™t be brought into this. Iv never heard @backinatracksuit slag him off. I feel its been used as a wum post now. Ppl on the dole have alot of free time on their hands and can invent storys in order not to work.

Iā€™ve had e fallings out with most of ye over the past few years, I genuinely thought it was just banter in 99% of cases, Thereā€™s a bit of bloodletting going on here now and I donā€™t know why, I hadnā€™t realized there was such bad blood, or that anybody believes Iā€™m capable of what is being said here,
I know plenty about cancer, @anon32894817 and his family appear to be one of the lucky ones
It seems to me to be an orchestrated attempt to get rid of me, itā€™s a good one


Iā€™d say he has muted all threads started by Chocco



Ah lads, come on now, calm it down a bit.


There are some top, top moderators around here mate

I see youā€™re adopting the Keys-Gray defence.

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Can someone tag me in a post where @anon32894817 asked @backinatracksuit to stop posting about his sick father? That will help make my mind up on what way to vote.