🤔 The Farm Affair - A Forum Unites

That was a joke mate, I most definitely never received that PM

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Yes well I do unless there betting related. Either way the pm nothing different from what I’ve always said to stop bringing up my dad. It wouldn’t resolve the issue either way.

And as for the moderation on here, it’s a joke and this is the result.

Right, @anon32894817 either put up or shut up.

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It wasn’t a joke when you knew I had deleted it you quickly changed your tune. You could have apogised. You still haven’t. You pushed me to the edge for what reason I do not now. You my dad was sick and you kept bringing it up even do you knew it was hurting me. You haven’t explained to why either. Did you think that was funny in all honesty?


Why can’t @anon61878697 and @backinatracksuit just man up, apologise for their behaviour and it’s sorted.

I won’t stop till this place is done. As I’ve said that day cut me inside for a long time. I don’t understand why tracksuit done it to me over and over again. I put him on mute for many months. I took him off recently and you could see on various threads he was keeping it up. Ye can all keep defending tracksuit it doesn’t matter. What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong. My dad doesn’t post on here. There was no need to bring him or any of my family into it. I never felt so helpless or low during this period and this cunt kept twisting into me about losing my parents fund they left me or there farm or whatever? Fuck off.I dropped everything and I came back home to take care of my dad. I’m no Angel I’ve made plenty of mistakes but I’m not going to take shit like that. I’m sorry enough is enough.

I’ll be honest mate, I never knew that PMs could be deleted, how do you do that?

Right, you are full of shit. Best of luck and health to you and your family.


Incorrect and you know I’m right you simply can help defending tracksuit. Everyone knew that read the cancer thread my dad was ill. He kept bringing him over and over again despite being asked to stop. That isn’t fair game imo. It’s very simple.

Get some air, pal


No I won’t be stopped here. I haven’t been this determined in a long time.

Its admirable. Id say you put your mind to it you could be anything

OK, pal

Keep going then

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I don’t have much family but I love and respect my dad. I won’t let anybody say I ever lost anything belonging to him.


You should show him these posts he would be proud of your determination Im sure

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Out of curiosity could you put some chicken on that bone. You want all 14 real members to throw their hands in the air and allow Ireland’s foremost sporting and agri-business forum collapse.
After @Bandage putting in place all necessary Brexit plans to accommodate our UK posters. If it looks like a duel between yourself and team TFK I have a great tip for you… Lump on team TFK.

Focail scoir… I’m OK for punting tips. Hopefully your Dad is on the mend, tell him we’re aware of his predicament and send warmest regards.