šŸ¤” The Farm Affair - A Forum Unites

In other words youā€™re scared of @backinatracksuit beating you at keepie uppies


Did you ever back up that allegation that you were called a paedo for sleeping in a tent with your childeren?
An innocent man still has that blatant lie hanging over him.
You are a very very bad minded and devious bastard.

It is. It wasnā€™t sent to him. I watched the barney curley interview there and he talked about being angry. @tracksuit is a decent person. His jibes were taken up wrong by me and I was refusing to let go.

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Iā€™m calling this the July 24th Agreement.

The day we matured as a forum.


We should send a few of these lads over to London and Brussels

Do they have the Internet over there?

No but they have Marc Francois

Thereā€™s nothing like a TFK poll to clear the airā€¦ As opposed to our TFK Pole @balbec who brings the worst out in everyone


Both seem sound enough to me, lads in the background keeping this one going it seems. Dungeon

Allā€™s well that endā€™s well.


As I said Iā€™ll privately and publicly apologies to @backinatracksuit I was angry and held it against him. Truth be told heā€™s probably too nice to post here. I regret my comments and seek forgiveness. Iā€™ll be malahide later and anybody about for pints is welcome.


I can go for hours

@anon32894817, Iā€™ll accept that olive branch in the spirit which I hope it was intended, just as an FYI, I donā€™t know how or why this blew up and why I was targeted, last I knew I had apologized if my comments were upsetting to you, it was about a month ago and you appeared to accept it then, you seemed to think I had made comments in recent days that I had not,
Anyway best of luck, glad your old fella is doing well


Alright kid. Iā€™ve no beef with you or @backinatracksuit. Youā€™ve made your peace. No need for any more clarifications.

It was wrong me I blew up over a private matter and was just angry. I wanted to drive anybody I could insane. I regret it and wish you and the rest of your family well. You did apoglise last month and that was big of you.


Fantastic scenes.

Lads thereā€™s some shameful Internetting here.
@Bandage pull the plug Iā€™d say


Imagine some of these lads trying to survive back in the good old days of 2001 on ch.com. they would have had a mental breakdown

I was lashing out for 6 days straight

Ah jesus
Itā€™s cringe
There were lads walking up mountains to phoneboxes back then such was the sense of seriousness.

Kev had lads here deleting Facebook accounts a few years ago. . A few of us were in the evening echo because of this place. .

Now you have the commentary above. ā€¦
PIā€™ll the plug @Smark

This is the greatest day in the history of the INTERNET