The Fugees Ooh La La La

Off the back of the photo there’s a big collection thing being organised across the country which is bringing stuff to Calais. But are many of the refugees making it is far as Calais? Aren’t the majority of the people there economic migrants from Africa? Obviously things aren’t great for them, but are they really the most needy of the people caught up in this crisis?

yeah I saw that on some Limerick friends of mine facebook pages alright. I have seen others making collections for refugees who are due to be temporarily housed in Kildare somewhere, where I think would be a better place to redirect aid stuff

All the stuff they looking for in the Calais appeal (it’s happening all over the country Limerick to Calais, Galway to Calais etc), is geared towards men, they have classifed women and childrens clothes as low priority and in some cases as “not needed”, which obviously shows this appeal isn’t going to go to help families and children, the very thing that has gotten people so emotional over the past 48 hours.
There have been lads permanently camped at Calais for years, it’s not anything new.

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hadnt looked into it too much. I had seen one in Wexford where they were more looking for childrens toys and toiletry type things, as they said they were fairly sorted for clothes for adults and kids.

Here hear…The whole thing has me confused, I’ve seen a call to arms by many do-gooders sending clothes to Calais when I thought we were supposed to be upset about Syria? Can someone fire up a harrowing picture of events in Calais so I can get worked up please?

Here ya go CM

That’s not gonna work for me, pal…Give me a dead baby or give me nothing.

They are mostly economic migrants looking to get into the UK specifically. They are not refugees.


Is there a difference between the folks trying to get into Europe from Africa and the folks trying to get via Turkey and Hungry?

@ChocolateMice this is a prime example of the Facebook Brigade not having any real understanding of a situation but just jumping on the bandwagon because it’s good for likes and shares. “Oh look foreign lads, we need to help them”

Yesterday there was a story that 6000 people had pledged a bed to house a refugee in Ireland.


Calais is in Europe mate. They are here. Them lads are trying to get to a specific part of europe.

This is exhibt A and a prime example… all liked and shared

The child who died was in Europe too.

Ya only in a shit part though.

I’ll be dead in the cold, cold ground before I recognise Turkey as part of Europe.



I suppose Kazakhstan is in Europe too, @Rocko ??

I’ve changed my profile pic to show solidarity with the Syrian people,* I urge you all to do the same, together we can stop this crisis.

*Pic taken in Morocco.

Turkey’s navy could put a stop to that young lad and every other migrant dying in the mediteranean but they don’t, another question which needs to be addressed is what’s going to happen to all these unfortunate people when they arrive in Europe. At best they are all going to be shacked up together in ghettos , the whole extremism thing needs to be looked at as well, if someone is moving west they need to adjust and confirm to western customs or fuck off imo, If the shoe was on the other foot I’m sure that’s the way it would be.

And finally, all this guilt being thrown at us is ridiculous from the media, fucking Bishops of Cloyne of all places and the polical establishment, did we overthrow Gaddafi, fund Syrian rebels to take out Assad or take out Sadam in Iraq no we didn’t. The cunt’s who did should be sorting out this mess if they had an ounce of humanity amongst them and cared for these people they were supposed to be freeing they would have/be doing same.

You see the likes of Simon Covenay on primetime last night and that Goldman Sachs bollix Peter Sutherland pretending like they give a shit about these misfortunes, makes me sick to be honest.

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Bit of an insult to Hungary when refugees want no truck with stopping there.

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Pity RTE Radio one didn’t show the same solidarity today to a Syrian christian who was blaming the Sunni’s in Turkey, Saudi and Qatar before he was cut off abruptly.