The Galway Criticism Thread

Hopefully he gets a long custodial sentence. You can’t go around terrorizing people and staff on airline flights and expect it to be swept under the carpet, the ignorant prick. Another story of drunken Paddy thinking he’s a big deal in the states, well he’s wrong.

I see he spent a fair amount of time down in Oz, no doubt emboldeneding this type of loutish carry on.


Absolute ape like behavior and obviously out of his mind on drink. Unlikely he will face jail time if he has a competent attorney, most likely a fine in the $15-20k range. It’s actually quite rare for an unruly passenger to get a jail sentence in the US unless there is an assault against flight crew. There are two categories of offenses on a flight, the lesser offense interfering with the flight crew and other passengers, the more serious offense intimidating or assaulting flight crew or passengers. From the reporting sounds like the first category.


He’s hardly related to the oft maligned Gearóid of the same surname is he….
The oul’ gear bag ploy mustn’t have sprung to his befuddled brain then….

His mother and father will have a bit of explaining to do after Mass on Sunday…

The Torbjorn Olesen defence seems to work in these situations if you have Poults as a character witness.

He did assault a passenger.

They were asking for it

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Threw an empty can that hit someone? Doesn’t rise to the level for a custodial sentence imo, given that there have been hundreds of worse incidents in the past year and nobody has been jailed to my knowledge. The stiffest sentence sought was a $52k fine for striking a flight attendant.

The reporting on this has been hysterical, there is zero chance of a long custodial sentence and most likely he will get a hefty fine and no jail time. The airlines have been calling for more serious punishment though, so he picked a bad time to go psycho.

I didn’t say it did mate, but it certainly counts as an assault.
He sounds a complete cunt tbh.

Flight attendants are awful precious. He’s an arsehole but he’s not a 20 year in jail arsehole.

Agreed, a $20k fine and fuck him out of the country should suffice.

They’re not gonna be shtung again

If he gets the right republican judge the airline might end up owing him money

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New York so no chance. Most likely won’t go to court, most cases like this don’t.

All the painting jobs the uncle done over there in the 80s, he might be able call in a favour or 2 for the nephew now.


This is the first thing I though of when I saw it. Is it time for a weirdos of the whest thread?

Gettin drunk on a plane and throwing a can at someone and breaking into a palace while mauldy are hardly weird.

Dont be lumping us in with them cunts.

Agree 100%.
The 20 year thing is only a cod anyway. There’s little chance he will see a jail I’d say, though that depends upon what actually happened.

Lauren Tuite on Twitter: “Fascinating watching the disinformation spreading in real time.” / Twitter


Fair play Lauren