The Galway Criticism Thread

On the contrary there has been decades of investment into Galway to make it a Western counterweight to Dublin and Cork. The fact that Galwegians were responsible for their own bad planning shouldn’t mask that.

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There’s a bit of truth in this but surely Galway has to take a bit of the blame for not sorting itself oit? These problems have been there for years. Countless councils have failed entirely to approach it. It’s not like ye havent had decent reps or pull.

The advantage galway has is that its tiny, mass pubic transport in bus for with one or two light rail arteries bringing people to the outskirts of town so every car doesnt have to cross the river then a one way circular system for vehicles that do. And a heap of small buses doing laps all day from 5am til 4am.


I hope I don’t come across as defending Galway City or County Council. They’re absolutely useless cunts. I knew the day would come where it’d be outright thwarted but let’s make it very clear that absolutely nothing has been done for transport in West Galway in a long, long time. M17 and M18 are a lot newer conceptions than a Ring Road/Connemara to Parkmore.

There’s absolutely many parties that are at fault for how far this dragged out. We’ve had everything from bog cotton to boom-time property owners getting greedy to blame.

But even something as simple as a cycle lane on the promenade seems to be impossible to get going. I’ve doubts they’d even management to get public transport infrastructure improved to having 10 or 12 buses running on top of the current fleets on the 424 route.

There needs to be a tram route running cross city.

On the westside of the city the route seems fairly straightforward - Barna up by the back of Knocknacarra, up Western Distributor Road, onto Seamus Quirke Road, in by the hospital and the college, then over the Corrib where the old railway bridge used to be.

It gets trickier after that. You could maybe cut some sort of a way through the side of the city centre and up past the Sportsground, out past the Bon Secours hospital and then up through the back of Mervue and Ballybane taking in GMIT and Parkmore.

I’ve said this before but the bit between Bothar na Treabh and the road over Quincentenary Bridge is the root of a hell of a lot of if not most of the traffic problems in this city. Ideally you’d CPO the houses that impede a proper link between those two roads and link them up.

I’d cut a deal with the greentards and go for the active travel options as well as the ring road. Everybody wins.

They need water buses like in Venice

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Delay to ring road risks Galway’s reputation - Chamber (

Some of proposed routes for any light rail/tram system. Some of them from over a decade ago.

You can’t get a direct train from Cork to Galway.
The train from Limerick to Galway takes nearly twice as long as a car journey .


Can you get a train direct from Limerick city to Cork?

This is tremenjus. I think you’ll enjoy this one @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.


That is tremendous indeed

@admins, make this a sticky

Future extension to Galway airport :joy::joy::joy:

Galway airport is called “Shannon”


Exactly. Or Knock.

Tough shit Galway and people in the west of Ireland. Climate action has to be the centre of everything and fuck infrastructure development.

From the Indo.

The proposed Galway Ring Road cannot go ahead despite the plans getting a second look by An Bord Pleanála, Transport Minister Eamon Ryan has said.

The €600m project appeared to be sunk last year after the planning body conceded in a High Court challenge that it failed to take into account the national Climate Action Plan when granting permission for it.

The High Court this week formally quashed the permission but has allowed the project to be returned to An Bord Pleanála for fresh consideration and Galway city and county councils have said they are confident it will be approved again.

However Mr Ryan, who is also Environment Minister, said the plan could not proceed.

“It vital that all our transport plans deliver the 50pc reduction in emissions we need this decade and go net zero in three [decades],” he said.

“The National Transport Authority, the local authority and our department are going to have to look at a new transport strategy for Galway that meets that climate target.

“You can’t just go ahead and build roads that have an induced traffic system that means you can’t meet the climate targets.

“So the plans for Galway are going to have to change. The exact elements of that, the combination of new public transport and other infrastructure, will be the outcome of that process.

“But the existing plans, the existing way of doing things is not going to progress. You have to heed what the law says – you put climate at the centre of everything we do.”

There is more to transport infrastructure than roads mate,

We have been crying out for a metro for years and it will be a game changer when built.

Light rail is perfect for a small city like Galway, not a road that wint solve anything.

Ryan should be put in a stocks and pelted with rotten fruit and shit for a solid week.


Whats the population to the west of Galway City mate