The Galway Criticism Thread

All you need to know about bog cotton is that it’s being looked after, a mhac.

That new Saw Doctors song is the greatest load of shite I ever heard.

Like the vast bulk of the rest of them then.

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Ah now whist

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Love that river

What’s the local view of the proposed ring road? Is it favoured by most locals?

Seems crazy that anyone other than the Green Party lunatics would be opposed to a road that would relieve the chronic traffic congestion.


Everyone from the city and county want it. A load of imported crusty cunts from other parts of the country are against it.


Galway needs better public transport and to reduce its dependence on the car.

What @Ambrose_McNulty said.
You have tranportix waxing on about light rail systems and the likes but the question is where do you put it? If someone from Roundstone needs to go to Tuam, Mountbellew or Gort, I would literally be at The Ashling Hotel in Dublin from my house if we left at the same time.


How would you propose increasing the public transport options in Galway?

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We’ll never in a million years have public transport to cover the tens of thousands travelling that proposed ring road route (PRRR). It’d be different if we had any actual public transport replacement but the most concrete idea seems to be a tram from Salthill to the city centre, which does fuckall. Throw on an extra single 48 seater CIE bus to add to the other 2 buses that would reach town from Carraroe before 9 in the morning and that should cover the 25000 people on the roads.

The next thing we’ll be hearing is that people should move closer to town during a housing shortage.

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Sure half ye cunnies live in caves already. D’fhèadfadh sibh metro a bheith agaibh le beagàinìn tochailt…

Google translate with steam flying out there

Yes the ribbon development out to Carraroe and beyond is part of the problem but the solution to existing bad planning is hardly more bad planning?

Bhì bean ag Joe
Bhì banjo ag Joe
Bhì banjo ag Bon Jovi…
You couldnt mince that from a google translate

We’re left with the absolute worst of both possible worlds now after decades of applications and re-routing the land. I’d have had zero dispute if in the interim time they’d done any real work to develop public transport but it’s been kick the can down the road stuff from every angle. The rejection of the ring road won’t have any impact on people being forced to buy cars to get around and we’ll have even worse bottlenecks.

The reality is nobody from outside of Galway gives two fucks. Same way with the lack of rail in the Northwest of Ireland. If it’s not a Dublin problem the powers that be don’t care.


Those are the fada’s of an mi5 agent


Main route in to the City (ie by GMIT or ATU as it’s now called) is virtually unchanged since the 80’s. A half arsed attempt at a bus lane where the hospice is then magically disappears again a few hundred meters further down the road. I almost never bring the car in to the city anymore as it’s too much torture at this stage. I’m fortunate. But the public transport could be way way better.

Decided I’d pay homage to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and cycle to last years Connacht final in the stadium in Salthill. It was a grand day, I flew by the stationary traffic, but was nearly killed a couple of times by sheep stealing roasters in VW Jeta’s.

Would be friendly with a lad in the council. They tried to bring in a temporary cycle lane along the prom in Salthill at the height of Covid. Something similar to what DLRCC did between Blackrock and Dun Laoghaire in Dublin. Eventually ended up in death by committee and local business giving out about losing some parking spaces. Ludicrous stuff in this day and age.

In summary nothing gets done in Galway. It’s going to kill the City.