The Glastonbury Thread

It’s great to have the flags out as the championship comes to a close.

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Supergrass on now @Locke

Jo Wiley still looking well and nearly 57

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What’s this shit

It’s always a risk with a wan with large boobies

Billie Eilish could do with throwing out a fast tune to get em hopping

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No wonder young people are depressed if they’re listening to this shit


I’m trying hard to like this, of course I’m not the target market
Good programme about Robert plant on bbc 4

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She’s bjork without Tourette’s

Bjork without tunes…

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Turned this on half an hour ago & was struck by how boring the set is.

This young lady looks the business. Playing tomorrow at 6:45.


Great stuff for intense young people but not really festival tunes.

This Foals singer is fucking useless

Proper sound, proper song, proper Band.


I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a Foals album but I recognise a lot of the songs. That’s a very uninteresting observation tbh. Catchy enough in parts but something a bit 2006-07 about them. It could be Hard-Fi, Kasabian or someone of that ilk churning this stuff out.

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Are Alt-J playing this year @Thomas_Brady?

Think @Rocko’s tip for the top JJ72 are playing tomorrow.


Whhhhyyy won’t it snoooowwwwww?


There was a lady from Limerick on there named Sinead O’Brien playing a song in the on-site studio. Impressive performance full of style and attitude, far better than the landfill indie of Foals.

This is the song that was played:

Missed it as we’re away. I went to see them in Belfast before covid broke and they were excellent