The Glastonbury Thread

That 1997 Radiohead performance looked fucking incredible. Must dig that up in full


Artic Monkeys killed it in 2007.

The lad headlining Sunday this year wasn’t great.

I saw a bit of it, I think I’m autistic to rap music, can’t get it at all!

You’re not alone. It’s for teenagers really… Who was the headliner?

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Kendrick llama

Kendrick……His music is so bland and aggressive. Twud put you into a downer .

I watched Pet Shop Boys on BBC4 instead. It was savage good.

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Headliners of Glastonbury a further demonstration that Old music back catalogues are now dominating music sales and streaming, concerts and festivals.

Because most of them wouldn’t get the dole in a right wing society?

The landscape is dominated by rap and fly by night over commercialised pop acts. It’s bish, bong, bing quick sales … Little of it sustainable. What adult can listen to rap into their late 20s and beyond? It’s no surprise to see people turn to the old skool as they get older. They want craftsmanship or/ and music that has a bit of meaning to it. ‘I’ll pop a cap in your ass’ wears a bit thin over time I’d imagine.

Investors getting into it in a big way. Royalties throw off a very stable stream of cash flows which is ideal for pension funds.

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“The music was better in my day”


I listen to music from your day predominantly

bill haley and johnny ray?

That’s very mean spirited. Music peaked in the late 70s- mid 80s. Most (not all) seems to be a cheap imitation since. The early rave scene must have been unreal tho too.

The 90s was a very interesting decade for music. Plenty of good music still being made.


Agree… not writing any era off and there’s plenty of good music being made today but we’re just at a stage in general society where reality TV, bland marketable music and over saturation of sport is the order of the day. The neo liberal values of the EU is killing creativity.

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