The Glastonbury Thread

Most of the acts are British and American :man_shrugging:t5: Glastonbury is a British festival

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Precisely, we won’t see the benefits for another generation…

Do you listen to much EU music yourself excluding Ireland or The UK, or did you?

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You’re probably a big ABBA fan

Is there something wrong with being an Abba fan?

No there was no hidden message there at all. Why ask? Are you insinuating that I was insinuating something?

I’m insinuating nothing

Good. @Thomas_Brady can listen to ABBA all day of he so chooses.

I don’t want to talk, About the things we’ve gone through. Though it’s hurting me, now it’s history.
I’ve played all my cards And that’s what you’ve done too, Nothing more to say, No more aces to play.

Flicked it on at some stage over the weekend and this one was on stage.
The wife made me turn it off.

Rebecca Lucy Taylor from Self Esteem for those that don’t know.


Didn’t Madonna do that 40 years ago?

Self Esteem, aka Rebecca Lucy Taylor, has been touring her searing 2021 record Prioritise Pleasure since last year. Was it all an elaborate warm-up for this mid-afternoon slot at the John Peel stage? Perhaps not, but in any case the accomplished singer-songwriter delivered a whipsmart set in fantastic festival get-up: a bodacious spangled breast plate that made Jean Paul Gaultier’s effort for Madonna look subtle.

I do. I do. I do.

ABBA, Daft Punk, Air, Can, Neu, Kraftwerk, Goblin, Cluster, Tangerine Dream, Einsturzende Neubaten, Tanz Mein Herz, Opeth, Klevertak. I could tap in names here all day. People who don’t listen to music outside the narrow confines of British and American music are missing a huge trick.


Moon Safari very, very underrated album.


Cute the way you chimed in there on the one act you recognised.


M83 showed some early promise but got a bit touchy feely but you could add them to the list. Justice too.

I’ve actually seen M83 live. They supported The Kings of Leon in the point some time around 08/09

Sigur Ros were enjoyable live also but haven’t heard from them in a long time. Non EU tho

I included in error a Norwegian band. Apologies.

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