The Glorious 12th of July

A lot of very dubious equivocation and avoiding the question there

The Catholic community in the wee six consider orange matches sectarian

Given that you’ve now stated that the views of the targeted are uppermost in deciding whether something is sectarian, by your own logic you must now agree that Orange marches are sectarian, yes?

Not when used in a self-deprecating humorous manner.

You’re Jewish?


You either are or aren’t.

Sop prying.

Answer the question you bigot.

still lashing out at the GAA Tim?

Spin that out a bit there Mike

How are the Catholic community ‘targeted’ by Orange marches. You should educate yourself on what the Orange Order stands for.

Standing for tolerance and compassion towards all they also stand for the underlying principle of the Christian faith and the dignity and rights of the individual.

The Orange Order is fundamentally a Christian organisation. The Institution stands in the Reformed tradition as the various statements contained in the “Qualifications” illustrate:-

  • LOVE OF GOD - “a sincere love and veneration for his Heavenly Father. He should never take the name of God in vain”.
  • FAITH IN CHRIST - “steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind”.
  • AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE - “he should honour and diligently study the Holy Scriptures and make them the rule of his faith and practice”.

We are committed to the cause of Civil and Religious Liberty for all. It is our desire to live at peace with all men and to ensure that all men have peace in which to live.

The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland believes it is vital

  • that civil and religious liberty is maintained in Ulster, that the Christian faith, Reformed and Protestant, will be preached and taught here.
  • that the British connection is maintained as it offers the best means of ensuring civil and religious liberty for all the people of Northern Ireland.
  • that every effort is made to make our country happy, prosperous and outward looking, a good place for everyone who lives there.
  • that the Protestant religion must be a self-propagating faith whilst not denying the same rights to other religious persuasions.

I’ve often heard it said that the OO should go fuck themselves.

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Orange marches are specifically about affirming the supremacy of Protestants over Catholics

Orangeism is inextricably tied up with the notion of a Protestant state for a Protestant people

Orangemen insist on their right to march in Catholic areas where they are not wanted

They are the very definition of sectarianism

Under the logic in your previous reply to me you’ve stated that whether something is sectarian or not should depend on the views of those on the wrong end of it

Yet you regularly completely throw out your own logic when it suits you, including in this case

Therefore your views on this subject can be safely dismissed as total nonsense

He thinks you’re a Cunt

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I’m just back from Derry, had to go pick something up so opted to do it today rather than battle with the traffic that always wings it ways through Letterkenny on the Friday of their Bank Holiday.

Nothing much going on and the shop assistant I spoke to says very little happens in Derry anymore. She said it mores in places closer to Belfast and Tyrone.

@GeoffreyBoycott @Tim_Riggins

Is this sectarian, lads?

Was what happened at Drumcree and as a result of Drumcree, ie. the burning to death of the three Quinn boys, sectarian?

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Ratio of Non Fee to Fee paying students in Ireland is about 13:1 (350k students, 25k in Private Schools)
Ratio of Non Fee educated students on Irish rugby team is about 0.2 : 1.

If the rugby team was inclusive or representative then you would expect 13 or 14 players to be from state schools. The reality is that there are 3 max. So, rather than being inclusive as some seem to believe it is incredibly exclusive.


Yeah but the GAA didnt allow soccer and rubby in the 60s so it all evens out

But hey, “both sides”, or something

Or, as @Tim_Riggins has unironically stated this morning, “one side” - it’s all the fault of those pesky Taigs

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Really? Controlling jobs, policing, politics, loyalist murder squads, land and property sales… Etc etc.
The tub thumping, coat dragging, dog pissing exhibitions are just the thin edge of the wedge.

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You define inclusivity as playing at the very top level?

Ratio of people on this Ireland from outside top 6 hurling counties who play All-Ireland hurling finals vs people from all counties who play in hurling finals would suggest that hurling is equally non-inclusive. But it’s about a substantive a point as your bullshit statistics.

I’d also suggest you get your permanent “chip on the shoulder begrudgery attitude checked out. I can appreciate that life isn’t working out how you hoped but it’ll eat away at you eventually.

Finally - I hope you get an opportunity to lever Apple and tax into this topic.