The Glorious 12th of July

“On your way Percy” :rofl: :clap:


I don’t see the point of goading folk either, funny as it is.



What town was this? While the parade is a dickhead fest, yer man with the dog is only goading them. One of them was bound to snap. Plus his dog with him. Shows no concern for animal welfare bringing a dog in amongst those crowds. Clown. If he got a slap, he can’t complain.

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Ballycastle. The Silver Plains Band from Moyarget don’t seem to be a particularly nice lot, certainly if them running buses to commemorate UVF terrorist Trevor King is anything to go by.

They do not fit with the 12th of July as a family fun day out vibe I’m ironically trying to create on here.

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The dregs of society , plain and simple


Less dehumanising rhetoric towards Catholics please, that’s how we got the UVF

They’ve driven the Buff demented on social media. He’s apoplectic about that attack.

My home town. I am up for a few days to see my family and was working yesterday from the house, windows closed, so never heard a thing. That Silver Plains mob only want to antagonise and provoke when they come in to the town here. Been at it for years. They just need an excuse to cause trouble and yesterday it was yer man.



A fine town. A went on holidays there as a young fella just after the ceasefire was announced. A beautiful part of the country. I remember pucking around on a GAA pitch in the middle of the town. Pitch was surrounded by Georgian houses. Two locals came over to us for a chat. Turns out one of them hurled for Antrim at the time. Two gentleman. After a few minutes there was two cars circling around the pitch, with the occupants of them spewing absolute bile in our direction. Didn’t knock a thing out of the two lads. But outside of the Galway club championship, I’d never heard abuse like it.


Some hilarious replies too

I wrote an email to Benidorm council once complaining about these lot. Obviously didn’t work.