The good climate news Thread, what diesel cage should I buy -wtf?

Because we are trying to reduce our carbon emmissons and solar energy is good for the planet

Better than importing fossil fuels from russia

Fuck the experts

Why doesnt the government just put solar panels on everyones roof, cost upfront for government. Households pay back with excess energy and get a portion free.

Every south, sw/se facing roof should have solar on them, its a waste of space if they don’t

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When is this global warming thing kicking off? It’s baltic and nearly June.

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Very hard to rip Joe public off that way.Theyd rather hand it over to some Denis O Brien types to fleece us down the road.


More and more people are waking up to the fact their heat pumps aren’t worth a curse. I’d imagine there’ll be an investigation within 5 years over their mis-selling.

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There’s already one going on.The taxpayer is going to be left with a hefty bill once it’s over.

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I see in Lidl and Aldi stores in Portugal that the car parking spaces are covered to protect cars from the sun, the roofs of these are then covered in Solar panels. Seems like a quick win

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Im sure massive solar farms are more efficent

Heat Pumps are the new diesel.

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FAO of the forum

@TheUlteriorMotive is a middle aged man with a paved driveway

This is the actual crux of this.

  • farmers getting 35/40 year deals for renting land. ( very few putting these solar farms too close to their own residences )

  • most of the work is being carried out by non national companies.

  • most of the material for panels & mountings imported

  • a lot of concrete being poured into the ground to mount them.

  • no guarantee the actual technology is going to be any good in ten years. Consistent advancements make the scale of some of these Solar farms seem foolish imo

  • use of prime agricultural land when all we hear about is food shortages and price of food.

  • A lot of companies proposing these schemes are not Irish companies, some make a habit of selling the farms after installation phase and more aren’t exactly financially strong in the event of cleanup of sites etc.

  • one thing I noticed too from looking at a few objections to various projects was the Fire Hazard risk. A fireman told me that in the event of a fire that they would have no choice but to let the site burn as chemicals emitted were too dangerous to tackle by most units around the country.

As I’ve said elsewhere there are sites for these but not in built up rural areas or areas impacting existing residents.

There is ample roof space from an industrial perspective around Dublin to generate huge amounts of energy and close proximity to power stations to transfer power to the grid already.

By all means let the public be put out for the greater good of the country via Government projects.

Its a tad unpalatable for most when it’s private companies from god knows where profiting from this “ Green “ energy.


I’ve a less than properly insulated house tbh but I’m very happy with the Heat Pump system. :man_shrugging:

Harry made a good point about wasting land. Roof mounted solar is not taking any land that is not already in use. All those slates/tiles on roofs do nothing to improve the environment

Land used to provide fossil fuel free energy is way better than land used to make protein shakes to export that poison our waterways

Like lets be reaistic about the benefits of Irish agriculture

Every school.rooftop as has been said in here before. Lash them out, offer a certificate training course to secondary students to be involved in their school’s adoption- might lead to getting more electician apprentices, engineers etc

There be no objections from anyone surely and a great lesson to kids.


All schools are eligible for free solae panels as is

Nah, huge amounts of green concrete & galvanised metal poured into vast swathes of agricultural land makes far more sense.

You might be better employed learning how to spell.

Then again it’s probably a lost cause at this stage🤦‍♂️