The good climate news Thread, what diesel cage should I buy -wtf?

Only criticism i have of this is giving the technology to the chinese. Other than that we should be making it here too. And making it standsrd in new builds

We are connected to the UK mate, why cant we share theirs?

We should be energy independent. Nuclear to cover base load and wind/solar to make up the majority of energy as a difference. Then we should be exporting to the UK and France.

How many dairy cows is one elephant equivalent to?

Is there any point being connected it they’re just going to shut us off when the juice runs low?

0 is the answer

we will also be connected to France


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy any reason we shouldn’t do this for all the Dart and Suburban rail stations?

yes, FF/FG & SF

Looks like a load of bollix

I’d say so.
That’s about enough electricity to boil a kettle.

Some drying out today lads.


You’d rather he used an energy guzzling tumble drier?


@admins, i have a list of posters i want to have posting rights here, how do i get this in place

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You’re doing enough ‘political influencing’ as it is.

Thank you mate

Does it pay well?
How does it work?

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