Exactly. It’s a cheap and idiotic shot at the organisation. Is it not a good thing that they fundraise? Why not make Brolly and O’Rourke’s salaries contingent on fundraising activities overseas while we’re at it. They might actually provide a return to the organisation they make a killing from.

You can’t understand the concept of fundraising?

I can indeed, what are they fundraising for?

Why would you make Brolly and O’Rourkes salaries contingent on fundraising activities? They’re paid by RTÉ. If they weren’t paid to do it, others would. Thats nonsensical.

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To build the doomsday device for which the entire GPA organisation is merely a front.

Or to finance more activity. One of the two.

Fundraising for certain “initiatives”, education etc.

GAA seem happy enough to let them at it.

Longer term I think GPA want to develop some form of former players benevolent fund.

This week in Chicago every former rugby player is being rolled out to speak at lunches and dinners. Not sure anybody really cares. It’s all harmless and if they get paid a few quid then grand.

“initiatives”. :grinning:

If it all leads to them refusing GAA funding next time out, it’ll be great I guess. I eagerly look forward to this players benevolent fund being rolled out in the future.

Yep. I know. Some of it is nonsense but in scheme of things I am not sure it makes much of a difference. Some of the education stuff is laughable. The ideas are far fetched. Be interesting to see how they fare post Dessie.

Have Brolly and O’Rourke waged any sort of campaign re funding imbalance between Dublin and the rest of the country? Or are Dublin too tough a target, even for brave men like them?

So you want him to sort out the Club game and the County structures at the same time? On top of Brolly’s work with transplants? Would you like him to figure out Brexit too there?

There are a lot of very worthy GPA initiatives to be fair, including scholarships. It amuses me club players taking pot shots at the GPA and thinking they are worthy of parity of esteem with county players. They aren’t. They don’t put in a tenth of the sacrifice that county players put in or generate a fiftieth of the revenue, yet they think the association should be turned on its head just so they can plan their holidays.


Of course they don’t, all they’re asking is for the GAA to provide proper structures for its games, and see to the needs of 98% of its membership. If that requires the separating of Club player from County player even, then so be it, but something needs to be done because its ridiculous whats going on at present.

What Club players are looking for parity of esteem with county players out of curiousity? Any Club player who has a clue knows he’s not even remotely on a parity with the work a county player puts in.


Yep. does it apply to club senior first teams as well as to club junior c teams. The first team lads in a club like to see themselves as elite versus the junior c lads

It is a hobby which nobody makes them do. Media fuel a lot of this nonsense. Things could be done better and games scheduled more regularly but life will go on.

See, thats the nub of it there. Just makes things better re scheduling. Thats all most are looking for.

Agreed. It can be done simply but county boards shy away from it to preserve the county team and fans demand for county success. Just schedule club games and get on with it. County players can play or not play.

Delighted to have @JoeBrolly1993 involved with CPA to address its goals, Email to express your views of club scene

No they’re not. They’re looking to shorten an already rridiculously short inter county season which is the financial mainstay of the association and tamper with the dates of the All Irelands which is as close to sacrilege as you could get.

I think they should be more even handed in their analysis, because what they are doing now is dishonest. Revenue distribution is a wider issue and if they truly cared about it, they would also discuss all the other topics it touches.

In the absence of this broader scope, they are just two old farts attacking new-fangled ideas and demanding that players know their place. The elitism they are whining about already exists, and has done for decades. They should know, they were part of it.

And if they are such dyed in the wool GAA socialists they should turn their RTE/INM pay packets over the association as well. How do they think they landed those jobs? From attending club committee meetings?

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Sacrilege :joy:

The Club and County schedule is currently at breaking point. Its not working. And you’re content to let it continue, because of a couple of dates in September.

Keep the dates, and split club and county. So be it. But do something.


Thats a lovely offer by Joe, he’s a great man.

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