Where are we covering dessie’s resignation?

He’s just clearing the path for his appointment as Jim Gavins replacement next month.



Junket cunts

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Fucking despicable. Bare faced, despicable cunts.


Job spec for CEO position.

Between Liam Cunningham and this now i could go out and tear the head off some cunt. I’m fuming.

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Another text message to go out from the GPA after this

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Where’s dessie off to next? He’s used to a few quid in his pocket at this stage you’d imagine. Has he been headhunted by someone?

Colm O’Rourke knows @Bandage?

MC Marty Morrissey alongside Brendan Maher, Denis Bastick, r Brid Stack & Collette Dormer at the New York GPA dinner at the Plaza Hotel.

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Did someone say junket

Marty never misses a party.

TBF I wouldn’t either if these cunts were picking up the tab,hopefully this new CPA will put a halt to their gallop

The irony of O’Rourke and Brolly’s song and dance about others making a handy living off of the GAA is incredible.

Regardless of one’s feelings towards the GPA, two men who spend their time shitting all over players in order to be ‘controversial’ and enhance their own media careers are in no position to claim the moral high ground. The mock concern for the club player from cunts like them is nauseating.


I actually think both are genuine in this regard. I have heard Brolly off mic talk about it deeply passionately. And COR was manager to a team only last week that won a county.

I agree with the general sentiment, but these 2 are fairly bang on in this regard.

Why is it only the GPA that rouses this anger in them? The massive concentration of resources for county squads has gone on for years. The relegation of the club championships to an afterthought has gone on for years. Yes it’s only when the GPA becomes more powerful that they are suddenly outraged. I can’t take anyone raging against the GPA seriously when they have no record of fighting on either of those issues. Especially when they have the taxpayer funded profile of those two.

They are a pair of reactionaries, puffing themselves up with self-righteous indignation at any new idea. The plight of the club player is no more than a handy bat to attack the GPA with.


Whatever Brolly and O Rourke’s motives or ability to induce nausea, they are giving voice to an issue that needs promoting. As for them shitting all over players, they’re fierce thin skinned if that sort of talk gets to them too badly.

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Huge market in US to raise funds for GAA. Dublin are over in Chicago in couple of weeks. Kerry raised serious cash in New York. GPA are just going where there is money to be given.

How does that work? Give us a few bob for the baba will ya boss?

Does the GAA not fund them? Along with all the endorsements? Do they plan on giving the GAA money back?

I can understand county boards and individual county players like Kerry heading out, but I just dont get the GPA doing it, apart from an aul junket for Seamie and the boys.