He who pays the piper …

Dermot Earley, no better company man could you find, that an army man used to following orders from the big boys.

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What’s the problem with them showing initiative in raising funds? Better than them sitting round sending begging letters to the government.

Careful now.

Not much rowing back there really?

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What I got from it was,

We spent a lot of time canvassing.
Our members did not want it.
We will now roll over & carry on.

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Rumour has it Seamus Hickey has donated a pair of boots

For fucks sake Mike.

What? If I’m going to fork out 50k for a plate of cocktail sausages, surely he can give me a pair of his boots

Okay, try a funny line next if you can.

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Burns made some good points on Woolies podcast. Why all the hatred toward him @myboyblue?

I may not agree with everything Parkinson says but at least he allows debate on his podcast and is not afraid to question people. He has no problem pulling his guests up either. It’s also great to see dedicated Gaa podcasts being released.

Past actions while in a cushy role in Croke Park. I will allow he was very good when Woolie was talking to him alright.

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He’s a very polished speaker but a complete politician with his eyes firmly on the big prize.

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You can sing that. He dissected both players associations all the same.

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Most definitely but most people in GAA roles are eyeing up the next job.


Burns is after the Director General’s job when Duffy retires in a few years. He’s being groomed for it big time.

Didn’t he already sound out the Presidents job a few years back? I thought Pat Gilroy would have another run at the DG one when the time comes as well.

He’s a career GAA politico of the highest order. Don’t know a whole lot about Gilroy other than I believe he’s a very successful businessman?

The GAA hierarchy have to be careful with the GPA because, if push came to shove, they potentially hold a lot of power. They may be poorly organised and appear misguided at times but, perversely, the Super 8 that they opposed could lead to the very thing they’ve always craved - a professional elite.

Say, for example, Sky Sports tried to negotiate directly with the GPA for a breakaway Super 12 or Super 16 football championship. If the players buy it, there wouldn’t be a whole pile the GAA could do about it. Similarly, a 9 or 10 team hurling championship could be on the horizon.

It may sound far-fetched but it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility. Probably the biggest drawback would be that the potential revenue for the likes of Sky may be negligible.

I believe Gilroy was second to Duffy last time out. He’s a very well regarded business man alright, and as Dublin’s power grows on the field, so too off the field. Don’t rule it out.

Burns is definitely in it for the long haul though, you dont go from Congress to Scór just because you like a bit of diddly eye. The machinations at Croke Park level in the GAA are gas all the same, you’d see and overhear some awful scheming going on there at times.

I hear what you’re saying re the Super 8, but you’d imagine it is fanciful at best. Whats interesting at the moment is, if and thats a big if, the CPA get a hold of the club players, and push for a strike, will it stop the intercounty game as well? Are they potentially a much stronger body?

Viewing figures for gga games are bad on rte mate and laughable on sky. Tv money wont pay for pro gga.

The gga fan are mostly bandwagoners and the teams dont play many games and fuck all big games

The demand isnt there for pro gga