Nah, O’Rourke is seething with the GPA, he wont let this go.

He has the perfect platform for it as well.

I agree with O’Rourke’s point here. The GPA doesn’t have to provide services that are already widely available via Bressie and, also, it’s a case of “get on with it” in a lot of these cases anyway.


Niall is only trying to help, same as Dessie. Really they should be applauded for highlighting these issues, issues that can affect us all from time to time. Don’t really see what the harm is in them.

He’s right what he says about this generation, soft as fuck. Fair play to him for saying it.

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At least when it started off it was ran by inter county players, for inter county players. Now it’s been run by the same lads, who are in some cases nearly 10 years gone from the game but still have the snout buried in the trough.


Wow, thats a belter. Fair play to him, no harm a bit of straight talking even if you don’t like him or disagree, he asks some very fair questions.

In ways he can be over nostalgic and old fashioned, but you have to agree with most of it. What have they done, really done?

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GPA co-founder Donal O’Neill on the GPA of today

To sum it up




That chap was an awful dose back in the day. He used to post GPA spam on the old gaa board and get fierce thick when he was called out on it.

He’s after torpedoing Dessie anyway thats for sure.

What did he say?

Give it a listen Fagan, its quite long. He basically said the GPA have taken the money from Croke Park and have little or no power now. They are on the teat and cant come off it. Also said the management should change every few years and that they need to refresh the top table more often. That they had their chance to make real change and didnt take it, and opted for the creamy nourishing soup instead.


Is he anyway involved now? Is the GPA a company limited by shares? Granted you might not know the answers.

No he’s not involved, think it said hes in a business in South Africa now. Not sure what the GPA structure is, maybe one of the current members who post here could let us know.

They also said the deal with Croke Park is up this year and will need renegotiating. I presume Dessie wont want to lose the cash cow so will be on his best behaviour over the coming weeks and months, which is most likely why Potts was pushed out this week.

Like the Cork hurlers they bottled it. Donal O’Neill is right.

GPA was a great idea, now its a farce.

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Donal Og
Common denominator

GAA have always looked after their own. O’Rourke has benefitted from that just as much with his media gigs. He makes money talking and writing about amateur players

Ultimately held by a company ltd by guarantee and not having a share capital

Yip you are 100%.
Now in fairness i think with Cork it was a hunger to get back playing that broke the players. But certainly its too close to ignore.

I believe Farrell is a nice man and i would suggest they all think they are doing their best, but they have undoubtably lost their focus and their mandate.

The new lads coming in recent years don’t understand the reason for it at all. Give a few high profile guys scholorships and they will fly the flag.

I mean how in gods name is Ross McConnell benefitting from it now. Thats mental.

Will be interesting to see how the womens one goes. Hell have no fury and all that. They could surprise a few people, and they general do a better job of organising anyway.

Limited by guarantee is what I’d expect for a not for profit or a charity or something of that ilk so that makes sense. As opposed to, say, Bressie and his Lust for Life venture which is a limited company with share capital. It’s almost like it’s set up to extract dividends and profits for shareholders.

Because it is.

I’m all for helping people being healthy and being paid for it, its what i do. Just can’t help there are alot of people manipulating the public and doung alot of bull shitting to make cheap coin.