The Grand Old FA Cup 2016

that Pedro is stone useless

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what a tackle from Gary Cahill there

John Terry is a great man. Pity his not out there tonight.

I think it’s disrespectful to refer to Terry as anything other than “Mr Chelsea”.


Best clubman they’ve ever had I’d say.

Hate the cunts with a passion, but he’s a great clubman.

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You’d never put 27 years of age on Costa, fucking hell.

Withered looking bastard.

he is Chelsea, a great servant

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that Fabregas is pure useless too

Was a great player, imo he doesn’t have the interest anymore he’s won everything that you can win.

Unbelievable goal by Lukaku.

what a goal from Lakatku

Schoolboy defending, shocking stuff.

I’ve said it before but that Gary Cahill chap is absolutely fucking hopeless.

Bolton was always his level under Sam.

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He ran around in a circle. :laughing:

my word, he’s done it again

2-0. Lukaku again.

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That Courtois is stone useless, that went straight through his legs

I’m delighted for Everton, the Catholic club in Liverpool in fairness to them.

That was a nice finish.

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