The great PJ McManus

Wouldn’t that mean no salary ?

My opinion on TFK seems to carry a lot of weight given the amount of times I get tagged/called out by other posters on various topics and issues.

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Careful pal, just because you make them laugh doesnt mean they are laughing along with you.

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That’s just a small percentage of Limerick’s.

The vast majority of TFK posters have respect for my vast, bank of knowledge and appreciate my cheeky little anecdotes.

I’d be very wary about your usage of vast majority of TFK, given the vast majority of TFK appear to be simpletons.

Naaa they’re even too stupid for that/-/////wayyy too imaginative

Anyone who says they would pay it voluntarily or pay more than they have to is a liar


Yes. Joe made this point very eloquently. But his argument was that billionaires shouldn’t be exempt from tax…and we shouldn’t be tugging the forelock just because we’re thrown a few crumbs from the masters table

So Joe’s issue is with international tax law?

I don’t know what JP’s tax liability in Ireland would even be. Presumably he makes most of his money outside Ireland.

The Downs must be alright for a few bob

A Westmeath club has called for the county’s €1 million donation from JP McManus to be spent on a new centre of excellence.

Westmeath is one of the few remaining counties without a centre of excellence and The Downs delegate Aiden McGuire believes the money should be put towards one.

“It’s time to make the big leap of faith; we have been waiting so long for a centre of excellence in Westmeath and news, I believe, is imminent. It’s €11,000 we didn’t have in November. No club had a budget for it,” he told delegates at Wednesday night’s county board meeting.

“The centre of excellence has to be paid for and it will be there for all units of the GAA in Westmeath.”

However, there was little support for the move after JP McManus specified to county boards that the money go straight to the grassroots and be divided between GAA, ladies football and camogie clubs.

Brolly second part is a bit more interesting on this topic is interesting to be fair.

To be a tax domicile you pay 200k could they not Jack that figure up?


Nothing to see here.

I think they bought the pub chain in London together with magnier

The cunt must be 80. Won’t even be around to see it make court let alone feel any repercussions

He’s 87 next month

Wrong thread.

Jesus, will they leave the man in peace. White collar crime should have a bonus for not getting caught till you’re that age

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It’s a fucking horse you simpleton, he doesn’t miss a fucking hill in England where you beat him senseless to run up it faster