The great PJ McManus

He’s delighted.
Means he will have a global audience when he brings the whole thing crashing down.

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To receive the e.u funding they have to connect the port is my understanding it.

His patience is admirable.

Box Office



That’s a Hyundai.


I nearly vomited reading that.


It’s amusing enough stuff particularly in the middle of this pandemic alright.

Not all heroes wear capes - it’s at times like this we need inspirational figures.

He led the charge for the cheltenham race goers alright. Doing the full four days and making millions while he was at it.

When I saw the thread bumped I assumed he’d found the cure for the virus


He has, get yourself a jcb, give up the drink and fags and save a few bob, about 30 years time you’ll be a billionaire and as everyone knows, billionaires are immune to global pandemics.

More money for the Limerick hurlers so. Win win.

So are you criticising Cheltenham racegoers now?

Take a few bets off the lads working the site here and there, then pow you are a billionaire

Equal treatment for all race goers surely One way or the other?

He forget the bit where he stopped paying taxes

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