The great PJ McManus

Was that before or after he became a billionaire taking bets off the lads on the site?

So you agree you’re as much a cunt as him for going. Glad we got there in the end

No I never said that at all. One poster described me as murderer for going and just described McManus as a hero without a cape. I’m looking for consistency. Please don’t put words in my mouth again.

Im not sure istabraq won some prize money I guess.

You had a pop off JP for going to Cheltenham and making millions. You went and lost your bollocks. What’s the difference?

You described the people that went to Cheltenham as heroes, so surely you agree with @Thomas_Brady

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I didn’t lose my bolox. I made a nice few pound and made a donation to Irish cancer on behalf of the forum. I didn’t have a pop off jp McManus either. I was merely pointing out the lack of consistency on some posters views re cheltenham race goers. It’s almost liked it’s a personal crusade against me.

You said people that went to Cheltenham are heroes, @Thomas_Brady agreed.

You then had a pop off JP.

It’s almost like you’re telling lies again

I didn’t have a “pop” off jp McManus. He described me as a murderer. He described jp McManus as a hero without a cape. As I said it’s surely one or the other. It can’t be both unless of course it’s a personal crusade.

So you agree with him that JP is a hero?

Are the lads who travelled over still “ Hero’s “?

I never said that. You’ve an awful habit of trying to force words in to somebodies mouth. I said it’s surely one or the other unless it’s a personal crusade against certain people. I was pointing out the hypocrisy and lack of consistency. In my eyes it surely can’t be both. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s just my opinion.

He was winding you up and you fell for it, hook, line and sinker

Really I’m actually in shock people took a negative view on cheltenham going ahead to annoy me. In fact I’ve just fallen off my chair in shock.

No. The negative view on Cheltenham is a real thing. A terribly irresponsible thing to do. You weren’t slow in firing JP under the bus though. At least you’re consistent in that

Maybe in your eyes but the majority of people just want to wind me up over it. It’s actually frightening you can’t see this. I didn’t throw jp under the bus. You need to stop trying to put words into people’s mouths. Go out and get some fresh air.

The one winding you up the most is @Tassotti and you won’t challenge him on it. Another consistency

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I like tassotti. His views are very consistent on the matter. He isn’t making excuses for certain people that attended. I respect that.

The Cheltenham attendees were cunts of the highest order. Not a patriotic bone in the selfish bodies.


Hes called them aids riddled murderers.

Hes been the strongest against it, but you’re scared shitless of him

His opinion is to be respected as it’s been completely consistent. He isn’t flip flopping on the matter.