The great PJ McManus

So nothing to back your claim that the press are actively concealing a story here. Ok, weā€™ll move on from this.

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The first I heard of it was nearly two months after it happened.

It will get a small online article and now disappear into the fog over the coming months. For some reason you are very triggered about this story. Care to share why?

So no evidence of a journalist or editor (the press) being coerced or remunerated for concealing a story.

Oh, Fulvio :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

No just evidence of very limited coverage and careful reporting.

He is right in that it has been significantly under reported given the circumstances.
Whether itā€™s been actively surpressed or not is s different question, but had it been the daughter in law of others with high profile, I reckon it would have received more comment.

So just two lads letting their imaginations get the better of them. Grand so.

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No just one lad extremely triggered by people rightfully pointing out how the reporting of this story is quite reserved considering precedent in similar stories and the circumstances present.

Who was she to garner media attention? Iā€™ve no doubt the JP media team are on it but the news would hardly be front page stuff at the same timeā€¦ It certainly sounds like the solicitor has taken control of the story tho.

The wife of the son of one of Irelandā€™s richest men who died young and in rather suspicious circumstances.

When you think of some of things that you see covered on RTE news and covered vigorously by the Times and Independent then itā€™s strange how little coverage this story has got.

As I said, it was the first I heard of it today.

This Free State media wonā€™t report this event Iā€™m reading about in the Free State media :grinning:

The Limerick fellas are circling the wagons here it seems

They token cover it with a brief one off article that they hope will be the end of the matter and can allow simpletons like you trundle out a post like that.

Hell of a drug

Youā€™ll have to get your Mont Blanc pen out and write to the Irish Times about the reporting of this incident and #leotheleak.

I rarely read the media, but were there not a few articles linked on this thread? I had never heard of this lady or knew the sons name until this story brokeā€¦ I donā€™t see it as a big story. People die from all sorts every day.

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There was loads in the papers about it, this oddball and his bum lickers want it on the front page for months, this woman did not have a public profile, she did have small kids though, how lovely for them to have all this speculation

McManus in general isnā€™t covered much in the Irish media. Iā€™d say most people know almost nothing about him bar being very wealthy and a tax exile. I donā€™t see why his daughter in law dying would be a big story. At best, the last story on the evening news that night and quickly forgotten about

Very scant coverage. When you have to go out of your way to find the story then itā€™s not really being reported on.

Generally someone connected to a person of McManus standing dying young and in mysterious circumstances garners a lot more serious attention. I would say that the family probably do not want the details of what actually transpired coming out for reputational circumstances. It looks like they are able to afford that type of suppression though.

Imagine if the spouse/partner of a Kinahan associate died in similar circumstances. It would be a media free for all.

I see the suspect Cork oddball who supports twitter profiles pimping out young kids is trying to spin this story with his usual toxicity.

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I would say he receives an absolutely huge amount of press coverage in Ireland. Usually nice PR stories about him though.

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