The great PJ McManus

What good is your money if you can’t buy the things you want. Anyone would do the same.

And sure if they didn’t have the money it wouldn’t be in the press anyway

No she wasn’t.

She was the daughter in law of one of Ireland’s wealthiest and most powerful men.

It’s a huge double standard.

I didn’t say I did want this story splattered anywhere.

Reporters are vermin. What I have said is that the McManus family seem to have got a courtesy few of their public profile would have got in similar circumstances and the Munster lads seem to be circling the wagons when you point that out.

Ah the usual hypocrisy.

Can you show me past incidents where you wanted the cause of death not made public for someone who died of a drug overdose?

Or do you just extend this courtesy to the offspring of billionaire families in Munster.

You are one haughty little virtue signaling hypocrite.

If twas cancer that had got the better of her, would you be as hot and bothered?

Here’s a song for you @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

You’re great value all the same, ‘the press’ are concealing a story :joy: that you read in… ‘the press’ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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if JP wasnt subsiding Limerick spud hockey would you be so defensive

You don’t often see the big dog under pressure :eek:

Oh dear.

The cavalry has arrived to fight for the billionaire.

I hope he finds peace listening to Delores, she might block out the voice in his head.

The daffodils look lovely today



Show me the hypocrisy I’m apparently engaging in?

I’m not defending JP McManus at all. I don’t follow horse racing and I think his tax evading is wrong. I know very little about him bar pumping money into Limerick GAA and horse racing.

This is about the woman in question, a woman with very little or no public profile, who might have taken some drugs which ended up playing a part in her death. Thousands of people take drugs every weekend in this country, I don’t think that information needs to be published in the media if one of them dies because of it

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It was the same with Varadkar. RTE were covering it up. It was pointed out that it was on the website. Oh but it’s only the fourth item on the headlines. MSM bias. :joy: :joy:

The Munster variant is very defensive

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I have laid down the challenge to you. As usual you don’t seem to be able to show me other instances where you have argued for privacy. You seem to get emotive on issues depending on who is involved and then try and pretend it’s due to your high moral standards but we’ve seen that facade as hollow a few too many times now.

You are defending the slack coverage this has got compared to other similar incidents through the years. You then justified the coverage other similar cases got to this.

It’s another one of your many double standards.

Be careful here guys. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has evidence of a phonebox (call card) in Killmallock being destroyed after a call was made to the editor of the Bahamas Champion.

This is real guys.

Just like you weren’t able to show me similar instances (Katy French wasn’t similar) which were covered in significantly more detail in the press. What other cases are there like this where I could have argued for privacy? Regular people dying in this kind of circumstance isn’t generally in the media so there would be no reason to call for privacy.