The great PJ McManus

How is it deflection? You have previous in this, it’s another case of me accusing you of doing something you have history in. I find it astonishing the level of ignorance you have on issues you seem to find yourself suitable to give commentary. How would you not know about the FF minister down the road protecting his paedophile relative yet making it your business to make a big song and dance about a politician the other end of the country acussing him of doing the same. It defies any sense of credibility.

It’s weight and context to yet another case of @the_man_himself and his special brand of taking moral stances on that he clearly has no interest in.

You are full of shit. Happy to support FF ministers protecting paedos and then passing yourself off as a champion for abuse victims. That’s as cynical and callous as you get.


You seem to be saying that in your own opinion, there are surprisingly few articles on this case.

Earlier, you claimed the press were concealing the story. That’s a dotted line, as they say. You’ve drawn that conclusion, which you are entitled to do.

I’m asking you for any evidence you have to support the claim, because that would be very worrying if were true.

And you point to your conclusion that there are a low number of articles on the case.

Your opinion is not evidence.

Have you any evidence?

But why are you triggered by wanting this case to get he same coverage other drug overdose related deaths get?

Why does that trigger this emotional response from you?

Gerry DM’d me this morning. Just following orders.

You saying I’m triggered doesn’t make it true, at least to everybody else.

I’m interested in the freedom of the press. You made a serious claim.

Any evidence?

My saying doesn’t make it true. The fact that you are does.

Are you going to address the question. Or are you going to continue trying to bizarrely censor this discussion?

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That doesn’t make any sense.

You don’t have any evidence the press are concealing the story, do you?

So you’re going to keep this act up pretending that you are not triggered by questioning how (what looks by all intents and purposes to be) a drug related death of a high profile family member of Ireland’s most wealthy and powerful has received such scant coverage?

Once again. Why does this trigger you?

You’re cornered.

Will you ask one of the bigger boys to come up with a reason for you why you’re triggered?


It’s good one for the back to school news on Monday.
Today is Monday. The weather is dull. On Saturday it was sunny. I spent 6 hours arguing about media coverage of the death of a woman related through marriage to someone famous on an internet forum.


No evidence so. Just your own imagination.

I hope you reflect on that and learn something from this exchange.

You might play fast and loose with your keyboard but expect to have your assertions challenged.

You dickhead.


The big dog hasn’t been unleashed for this sustained a period in recent memory. Incredible stuff.


Gerry has standards. You meet them or you don’t.


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I did think it was funny she wasn’t brought home.

The caravans have been circled