The great PJ McManus

The big house was looking well there in fairness.


Interesting to see how this affects the mindset of the Limerick hurling team on Sunday.

I presume Hego and the boys are set to tee up in The Manor with Tiger and co on Monday. The focus may not be where it needs to be on Sunday afternoon.

Remember 2019 when they gave a week golfing before the semi final and were like rabbits in headlights against the worst Kilkenny team in 30 years?


I doubt it will


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You have to admire the ability to keep repeating the same stuff over and over and over again.

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Thanks be to Jaysus I’m on holidays next week, I won’t have to suffer driving around the place to avoid the logjam from that golfing thing in Adare.


Abhoy the Kid.

Hope you are keeping well :+1:

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I hope you are well

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Good man Bart :+1::+1::+1:

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Are you heading out foreign with the parents?

You did that time standing on your head. I hope you learned your lesson


By god

How’s Batt?

Was he suspended?

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The Pro Am is live on Virgin :smiley:

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Some great gifts there

I do all my shopping there


Salt :disguised_face::ok_hand:

The lads that qualified to get a spot in the Pro-Am are getting one of these. New bag of fitted clubs and full rig-out of top gear as well