The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

David McWilliams had a podcast on the cost of implementing it. Very interesting. He did make a correction in following podcast that he miscalculated the costs but even after the correction, the overall cost is insignificant compared to the changes that we need to meet climate change targets

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No chance they’d introduce a grant for fly tipping I suppose, no?

Diesel costs money to drive to a country lane. You can get a used barrel for €50 and a pack of firelighters in eurosaver for €2. Job is oxo

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Yeah but if I hot a bit of a grant, I could reduce my prices accordingly and then hopefully my customer base would expand. At the moment it’s only the good will of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and his cronies down at the yacht club that are keeping that side of the business afloat. Although that being said, I’m making a killing on the green diesel

Cutting timber is savage good for mental and physical health.

yes, a great listen

he is really good on the environment etc

I love the smell of a used tyre on a bonfire. Good way to give back to the earth and return the carbon and other chemicals to mother earth

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Yes plus it camouflages the burning plastic on top of it

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The figures sound massive until he puts in in comparison but if it was free you could remove many cars from city’s. A congestion charge I dublin makes sense, not so much in other city’s in ireland at the moment, until significant changes are made.

I’m getting passed off at this talk of the DF buying new fighter jets and boats for billions, when it is more beneficial to give free public transport. It wouldn’t benefit me but I can see the positives.

Make sure you remove the caps off plastic bottles. Nawful issue in recycling

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The Luas is already free.

It’s really only politics or education that a space cadet such as Ryan could prosper

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H’on Joanne you little diamond. Sew it into the crusty bollocks.


She’s a great bit of stuff

People dont want to be told stuff that will help them. They wany to be promised stuff by people who won’t deliver it.


What difference does the height of a shower make to energy saving?

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The water gets to you quicker. Yould be clean in half the time.

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You’ve got no money so you can’t afford to turn on the heat.

But the good news is you’re sticking it to the Russians and gaming the energy market.

Eamon Ryan is a gas cunt (excuse the energy reference).

Eamon could teach us how to make nutritious meals out of the shit we throw away, such as potato skins, chicken bones and egg shells. He’s the best paid home economics teacher in Ireland.

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If you wave a Ukrainian flag whilst taking a cold shower, it will dull the pain as the virtue signalling will get your blood flowing