The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

We already have Yogi and Bubu in the Dail :slight_smile:

admins, this dude wants injuries of cagers to continue

They can actually manage wildlife and roads in other countries.

To be fair, other countries don’t have Donegal.


Fair point

Can wolves become urbanised?

Coyotes are a serious nuisance in the the NE of the US.

I’ve never heard of that happening with wolves

Think they love their one-off, stand-alone dwellings away from villages

They’re a divil for wanting their own BBQ pit at the same time

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They love nothing more than howling at each other across a big marble island.


these guys going from strength to strength

RTÉ News on Twitter: “An ambitious plan to plant 4,000 acres of native forest on the west coast was launched today. The first stretch of land to be replanted as part of the Wild Atlantic Rainforest Project is 280 acres in the Maam Valley in Co Galway | Read more:” / Twitter

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Minister O’Donovan has decreed that the crib in the capital will in fact have live animals despite the bleatings of the Lord Mayor (Green Party).
The Minister says that Rooral Ireland have demanded it and he’s fully behind it.
In summation:

Rooral Ireland (wellingtons) 1
Lettuce Eaters ( sandals). 0.


Presumably there’s a quid pro quo here and if rural Ireland gets to tell the Dublin urbanites what to do, they won’t complain when the shoe is on the other foot?

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the lord mayor said there will no live crib in the mansion house - that is still the case, tStephens green is a better location for it than the luas line
People who care about their kids 1
People who hate their kids 0


A live crib? There is no need to have a live crib. It’s as pointless and as stupid as a zoo.


With the way you rural cagers are carrying on, zoos will be the only place left with wildlife.


There’s too much cribbing over a crib.

Devout Christian family living in temporary accommodation, told there is “No room at the inn” by man living in nearby Mansion

Who gives a fuck about a crib

Catherine Connolly disagrees -