The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

He was saying he gets a state pension of in the region of €20k when he reaches 50 and that he is 46 now. More or less sounded as though he would hold out for. The guy is deluded. Incredible to think that the people of whatever constituency of Dublin he is in elected him to the Dail.

Rocko probably voted for him.

We are back

Can somebody with thread title changing privileges please change the thread title to something more befitting of our current runaway popularity

Join the green party

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Nice to see Eamon Ryan has something to distract him these days

tick tock tick tock for the ICE incrementalists

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Will the government take steps to ensure that electricity is made greener first before unleashing millions of electrical cars? - I suspect not…

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Not a chance

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This is why we need to get the Greens in at the next GE… FFG will talk the talk but make a balls of it in the end.

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We need nuclear .

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Limerick doing back to back?

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Limerick winning one is surely warning enough of an impending apocalypse

They got in before with FF and took the soup, and anything else they could get. I haven’t voted for them since and I don’t know if I ever can again.

I just became green, rather than voting green. Is it the individual small things that matter? Or do we need to be forced by our government?

Who do you vote for now?

Minority parties mostly. I’d say the tallies men do be scratching their heads when they see my choices. I tend to stay away from the big two.

Have you signed up to the Green Party mate? Just filled in my application last week

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I signed up years ago. Offered to do voluntary work and all. They never even got back to me. In fairness there was no Green candidate in Limerick at the time.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author