The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

I have loads of it planted out the back and picked up another 6 plants this evening on sale in B&Q (Hidcote). Could not have enough of it for so many reasons - cover, edging, flower, scent, insects, dried flowers.

Great tune and plant

They’re piss easy to propogate mate as well.

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The message is getting through slowly

Gemtrails will literally have a field day if she sees that photo

Crop circles, aliens, crack squads of pitch and putt guerillas etc. etc.

Fuck the Green Party

id go with 20 myself


This lad must have gotten a bang on the head as well. It’s an impossibility from the start.
All fine and well pontificating from the Luas/Dart/Bus/Train stop and no sign of the promised wolves.
The last time these tree-hugging crusty lovers were near the levers of power there was a census of the frog population. I kid you not. Ryans’ gone off the reservation altogether.

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I’d love if we had wolves

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car sharing driverless cars will be the norm in 10 years you luddite

A legal form of drink driving. Huzzah!

Drinking is for mugs, lads.

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I’d love to see a driverless car coming in the Newport road.

I’d give you a clip round the ear if I could spare the time.

Or around Buttevant

Hugh knows the craic

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Strange comment from a “journalist” whose job is to explain things.


Eamon got his hole handed to him on Joe Duffy today