The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Sure i let the kids drink it!

I’m half an alcoholic as it is, you want to add manic depression from the gin to my ailments?


The 180 day residency threshold does look arbitrary.

Must be some bike shed.
But no photos seem to be available…

do you want to take this to the FG thread mate?

this is an OPW issue

€335k? Sure you wouldn’t build a shed for that

Or in this case. You would

17k per bike. Great value.
I wonder if it’s big enough to fit that printer?


The stand was built with a special cantilevered canopy that is designed to protect from the prevailing northerly winds.

It has not been fully enclosed however, with some believing it leaves their bikes too exposed to the elements.


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again guys- to the FG thread

Fg hate bikes mate. We all heard regina doherty. This one lies squarely at your feet.*

*covers your head in cantilever style, but watch your feet, theyll still get wet apparently.


Ah lads

To be fair you can’t put a price on aesthetics and keeping with the style, gravitas and indeed aura, of government buildings.

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Me shoes had brought the rain and soaked the space for lookin’ down

The gates in front of taoiseachs are still being held up with ropes

Cantilever ropes to shield against the prevailing wind?

Come in she said I’ll give you, partial shelter from the storm

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Cantiler ropes to keep them upright after the loon crashed into them. A y other country they’d be fixed in a week



335k. How much are they planning to build houses for :joy:


Whoever built that has basically stolen 300k off the taxpayers.