The Gut Health Thread

Psyllium husk and a spray of magnesium oil every night before bed. Couldn’t be better


Mines not bad. Much lower meat intake than I used too and very high veg intake. Having said that I’ve had a barbecue every day on holiday.

Could be way better mate, have been chomping a bit of kimchi and a squarehead kefir i found in super valu but need to up my h2o intake. Have cut the carbonated sodas bigly, when i have one now i feel shit after

I’m back taking the apple cider vinegar before bed time.

Don’t let big food hood wink you into thinking meat is bad for you mate. You couldn’t eat better than meat… Just don’t fry it in seed oils. Work away with butter or coconut oil.

There is money to be made out of the vegan myth. The margins they can make on meat are miniscule in comparison.


I thought Coconut oil was bad for you this year?

Give me a few foods there to improve gut health.

Kefir - pro-biotics - fermented pickles / sauerkraut ---- the onion/leak/garlic family. kimchi, miso, jerusalem artichokes

I’m supposed to be taking supplements to improve gut health, anyone know anything any good for that? What are pro biotics?

You couldn’t ruin steak by frying it in coconut oil you madman.

Where would I get good Sauerkraut?

@backinatracksuit gets it down the market — has to be the properly fermented stuff and not the mass produced stuff you’d pick up in a supermarket.

Leave some normal kraut out in the sun for a few days

Same fella sells great honey, you’ll get him in the market on Saturday @TreatyStones, a wide range of stuff for the gut

Great sauerkraut and Kimchi in the Blackrock market on Sunday’s, probably in Douglas as well

Fermented foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha and many pickles. We can’t be certain the bacteria they contain reach the gut, but in countries where this type of food is eaten frequently people appear to have better gut health and less bowel disease. However, other factors could be responsible.

They possibly refrain from shoving their thumb up their holes.

Ye need to be on this gear


This is great stuff from a place in Ennis, treating myself now after reading the thread, there’s usually a few bottles in the fridge, a bit beery in taste

The average human has about 39 trillion bacteria cells in their body, which is more than the number of human cells. Most of them live in the intestines and should be beneficial to health. However due to our diet and lifestyle, good bacteria get replaced by bad bacteria and many people have disease causing bacteria. I was told by a leading gastroenterologist that bad gut bacteria cause most human diseases.

Probiotics are good bacteria strains, the theory is if you consume them they will replace bad bacteria. I take a LiveWell Pro-45 daily and it has done wonders for my digestive health.

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Not gut related per se - but it is also - but i’ve ordered ZMA today — My sleep pattern and energy levels have taken a dip recently so i’m going to restore them… with the chicken and egg scenario - drop in energy leads to bad food choices which affects gut health.

You should try CBD oil for sleep, it’s very effective.

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