The Gut Health Thread

Do we get the good stuff here in Ireland?

How did the count them all? seems a very exact figure.

As long as it has less than 0.2% THC it’s legal, so I’m pretty sure you can find it in health food stores. Don’t buy Hemp oil as it’s made from seeds and has no CBD.



I wouldnt worry your little head about it -

If a fella didn’t have a PhD in History a figure like 39 trillion could melt his brain.

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All codding aside… The sinuses are a great indicator of gut health. Mine playing up recently coincides nicely with a shitty diet of bread, beer and processed gunk.

Once I eat whole foods and avoid most grains they never give a bother.

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Any lad not ating lions mane mushrooms needs to take a long hard look at himself.

You were glowing at the recent Nogra AGM. I didn’t say it at the time as I didn’t want to give you the satisfaction but I’ve got my own house in order since so I don’t mind telling you now.

I bet you mentioned it to @rocko though.

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I’m pleased I had a good influence on you although the “glow” was more likely due to the night before in the Pier Head.

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Nothing to do with gut health, move along you snipe


Very informative thread lads, peppered with amazing words like saeurkraat, probiotics, bacteria and the wonderful figure of 32 trillion (no less) other yokes.
All shite. I’ve lived on mate and whiskey and 50 years of Sweet Aftons until they got chopped. The current gut is from porter and all this rhetoric is only bullshit designed to scaring you into whatever wonder-fad they’re peddling.

Fucking advertisements… Cunts.


The fact you only have 32 trillion bacteria rather than the 39 trillion average suggests your gut is not in good shape. Cut down on the whiskey (like I have) and take a probiotic every day and you’ll be grand.

You’re very testy lately mate, i know the county bprd delegate gig didn’t go your way at the agm but its not personal, just business

You’re right, I need a few weeks away. The e-equivalent of a walk down the fields

Embrace the ignore function

I’d never ignore a poster, I love everyone on here.

It’s all coming together as I predicted

I’m going to make my own Sauerkraut at the weekend